Detail from Bástyasétány hetvennégy (Singing on the Treadmill), 1974
Gyula Gazdag and Cold War Hungarian Cinema
Museum Lecture Hall
This is a past event
5:00 p.m.
A válogatás (Selection), 1970
Balázs Béla Stúdió, black-and-white, 41 min.
Hungarian with English subtitles
5:30–6:30 p.m.
Intermission and reception
7:00 p.m.
Bástyasétány hetvennégy (Singing on the Treadmill), 1974
Hunnia Filmstúdió, color, 76 min.
Hungarian with English subtitles
View the program
Two seminal films by renowned Hungarian film director Gyula Gazdag, A válogatás (1970) and Bástyasétány hetvennégy (1974), feature Gazdag's sharp observation and subtle satire of the regime that ruled Hungary at the time. Both films were banned for years, due to their hidden provocative messages.
Vera Mijojlic, director of the South East European Film Festival, will introduce the films. This screening complements the exhibition Promote, Tolerate, Ban: Art and Culture in Cold War Hungary, a collaboration with the Getty Research Institute that is on view at the Wende Museum of the Cold War in Culver City from May 20 to August 26, 2018.