Detail from Moses Harris, The Natural System of Colours and Ignaz Schiffermüller, Versuch eines Farbensystems (Vienna, 1772), plate I. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Cocktails with a Curator: Queer Archives


Sunday, June 30, 2024, from 4 pm - 6 pm

Ada Louise Huxtable Lecture Hall

Advance ticket required

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Ticket price includes complimentary parking.

Join us for a colorful evening as Getty Research Institute curator Pietro Rigolo unveils rare material from special collections and shares insights into whimsical accounts of queerness within the archives. The viewing will introduce contributions by queer artists and intellectuals throughout the last century and explore themes of identity, community, resilience, pride and beauty.

The evening will be paired with themed cocktails and appetizers to surprise and delight.

Visit the Getty Research Institute's Exhibitions and Events page for more free programs.

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9 am–5 pm,
7 days a week

(310) 440-7300
