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Project name: A–C D–H I–L M–P Q–T U–Z
Alternative Backing Methods for Lifted Mosaics
This project aims to address the urgent need for developing sustainable solutions to the conservation of mosaics that have been removed, or lifted, from their original archaeological setting. A project of the MOSAIKON Initiative.
This project aims to address the urgent need for developing sustainable solutions to the conservation of mosaics that have been removed, or lifted, from their original archaeological setting. A project of the MOSAIKON Initiative.
Arches Project
Open-source software platform freely available for cultural heritage organizations to independently deploy to manage cultural heritage data
Open-source software platform freely available for cultural heritage organizations to independently deploy to manage cultural heritage data
Art in L.A.
This project is a study of materials and fabrication processes used by Los Angeles-based artists since the 1950s and the implications these materials and processes have for conservation. A project of the Modern and Contemporary Art Research Initiative.
This project is a study of materials and fabrication processes used by Los Angeles-based artists since the 1950s and the implications these materials and processes have for conservation. A project of the Modern and Contemporary Art Research Initiative.
Bagan Conservation Project
A project to develop a holistic and sustainable approach to complex conservation and management issues across the World Heritage Site of Bagan.
A project to develop a holistic and sustainable approach to complex conservation and management issues across the World Heritage Site of Bagan.
Built Heritage Research Initiative
This multiyear, multiproject initiative seeks to consolidate the GCI's long-term leadership in the development and application of scientific skills to improve conservation of the world's built heritage from ancient to modern.
This multiyear, multiproject initiative seeks to consolidate the GCI's long-term leadership in the development and application of scientific skills to improve conservation of the world's built heritage from ancient to modern.
Bulla Regia Model Conservation Project
Through model planning and conservation activities at one site, this project aims to demonstrate best practices in the conservation of in situ mosaics, and to disseminate the results in order to improve the state of conservation of archeological mosaics throughout the Mediterranean region. A project of the MOSAIKON Initiative.
Through model planning and conservation activities at one site, this project aims to demonstrate best practices in the conservation of in situ mosaics, and to disseminate the results in order to improve the state of conservation of archeological mosaics throughout the Mediterranean region. A project of the MOSAIKON Initiative.
Characterization of Asian and European Lacquers
This project aims to develop a comprehensive analytical method to identify organic materials present in Asian and European lacquers.
This project aims to develop a comprehensive analytical method to identify organic materials present in Asian and European lacquers.
Cleaning of Acrylic Painted Surfaces
This workshop series seeks to integrate ongoing scientific research with the latest perspectives on cleaning technology within art conservation. A project of the Research into Practice Initiative.
This workshop series seeks to integrate ongoing scientific research with the latest perspectives on cleaning technology within art conservation. A project of the Research into Practice Initiative.
Cleaning of Wooden Gilded Surfaces
A multiyear project to address the challenges presented by the cleaning of wooden gilded surfaces and to identify appropriate treatment options.
A multiyear project to address the challenges presented by the cleaning of wooden gilded surfaces and to identify appropriate treatment options.
Collection Environment Field Activities
This project is examining real-life situations in the field to investigate environmental strategies for collections that support their access and preservation in an economic and environmentally responsible way.
This project is examining real-life situations in the field to investigate environmental strategies for collections that support their access and preservation in an economic and environmentally responsible way.
Concrete Conservation
This project has been developed to respond to the new and distinct conservation challenges of reinforced concrete buildings and structures in order to improve the conservation of this significant heritage. A project of the Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative.
This project has been developed to respond to the new and distinct conservation challenges of reinforced concrete buildings and structures in order to improve the conservation of this significant heritage. A project of the Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative.
Conservation Guest Scholars
Residential opportunities for professionals to pursue research on topics that bring new knowledge and fresh perspectives to the field of conservation
Residential opportunities for professionals to pursue research on topics that bring new knowledge and fresh perspectives to the field of conservation
Conservation of Plastics in Museum Collections
This workshop series aims to disseminate the current state of knowledge of the conservation of plastics and rubbers. A project of the Modern and Contemporary Art Research Initiative.
This workshop series aims to disseminate the current state of knowledge of the conservation of plastics and rubbers. A project of the Modern and Contemporary Art Research Initiative.
Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative
This project seeks to identify and address conservation challenges particular to modern architecture through a comprehensive research and implementation program.
This project seeks to identify and address conservation challenges particular to modern architecture through a comprehensive research and implementation program.
Contemporary Architecture in the Historic Environment
This project is addressing one of the critical issues in heritage conservation—the management of change—by exploring the role of contemporary architecture in historic environments and developing methodologies and criteria for designing new buildings that are respectful of their historic contexts and assessing the impacts of these new constructions. A project of the Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative.
This project is addressing one of the critical issues in heritage conservation—the management of change—by exploring the role of contemporary architecture in historic environments and developing methodologies and criteria for designing new buildings that are respectful of their historic contexts and assessing the impacts of these new constructions. A project of the Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative.

DISCO: Data Integration for Conservation Science
Developing an open-source software platform to share and interpret scientific and technical study data about artworks and cultural heritage
Developing an open-source software platform to share and interpret scientific and technical study data about artworks and cultural heritage
Eames House Conservation Project
This project seeks to assess the condition of the house, contents, and setting and to develop long-term conservation management and maintenance plans for this iconic home. A project of the Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative.
This project seeks to assess the condition of the house, contents, and setting and to develop long-term conservation management and maintenance plans for this iconic home. A project of the Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative.
Earthen Architecture Initiative
This initiative seeks to further the conservation of earthen architecture through training, research, planning and implementation, and advocacy.
This initiative seeks to further the conservation of earthen architecture through training, research, planning and implementation, and advocacy.
Graduate Internships
Advanced internships at Getty for graduate students who are pursuing careers in the visual arts.
Advanced internships at Getty for graduate students who are pursuing careers in the visual arts.
Herculaneum: Conservation of the Tablinum of the House of the Bicentenary
This project addresses conservation issues of decorated architectural surfaces at Herculanuem through a pilot project to study and conserve the decorated architectural surfaces in the tablinum of the House of the Bicentenary through background research, environmental monitoring and climate improvement strategies, scientific study, preventive and remedial treatment planning, testing, implementation, post-treatment monitoring, and maintenance.
This project addresses conservation issues of decorated architectural surfaces at Herculanuem through a pilot project to study and conserve the decorated architectural surfaces in the tablinum of the House of the Bicentenary through background research, environmental monitoring and climate improvement strategies, scientific study, preventive and remedial treatment planning, testing, implementation, post-treatment monitoring, and maintenance.
Heritage Values, Stakeholders and Consensus Building
This project aims to advance the ability of heritage professionals to constructively engage with stakeholders by bridging conservation and public dispute resolution practices through a program of research, application, and dissemination.
This project aims to advance the ability of heritage professionals to constructively engage with stakeholders by bridging conservation and public dispute resolution practices through a program of research, application, and dissemination.
Historic Cities and Urban Settlements Initiative
The long-term goals of this initiative are to contribute to the enhancement of practices in the field of conservation and management of historic cities and settlements and to address critical needs and issues through the implementation of targeted projects ranging from research and education to field work.
The long-term goals of this initiative are to contribute to the enhancement of practices in the field of conservation and management of historic cities and settlements and to address critical needs and issues through the implementation of targeted projects ranging from research and education to field work.

International Course on the Conservation of Earthen Architecture
The aim of the course is to improve the practice of earthen heritage conservation by providing practical training for mid-career professionals from the Middle Eastern, North African, and South Asian regions. A project of the Earthen Architecture Initiative
The aim of the course is to improve the practice of earthen heritage conservation by providing practical training for mid-career professionals from the Middle Eastern, North African, and South Asian regions. A project of the Earthen Architecture Initiative
Los Angeles African American Historic Places
A collaborative project with Los Angeles City Planning, Office of Historic Resources to identify, protect, and celebrate the city's Black heritage. The project provides the opportunity to rethink historic preservation policies and processes to better support social justice and equity goals. This work will offer a potential model for future initiatives related to other communities in Los Angeles and beyond.
A collaborative project with Los Angeles City Planning, Office of Historic Resources to identify, protect, and celebrate the city's Black heritage. The project provides the opportunity to rethink historic preservation policies and processes to better support social justice and equity goals. This work will offer a potential model for future initiatives related to other communities in Los Angeles and beyond.

Managing Collection Environments Initiative
This multiyear initiative addresses compelling research questions and practical issues pertaining to the control and management of collection environments in museums, libraries, archives, and other repositories.
This multiyear initiative addresses compelling research questions and practical issues pertaining to the control and management of collection environments in museums, libraries, archives, and other repositories.
Mechanical Characterization of Materials
Undertaking laboratory research together with in-situ testing to more precisely identify the conditions under which irreversible damage occurs in cultural heritage materials as a result of climatic agents of deterioration. A project of the Managing Collection Environments Initiative.
Undertaking laboratory research together with in-situ testing to more precisely identify the conditions under which irreversible damage occurs in cultural heritage materials as a result of climatic agents of deterioration. A project of the Managing Collection Environments Initiative.
Modern and Contemporary Art Research Initiative
This initiative is a multifaceted, long-term venture focused on the many and varied conservation needs of modern and contemporary art.
This initiative is a multifaceted, long-term venture focused on the many and varied conservation needs of modern and contemporary art.
Modern Paints
The project addresses questions regarding the character of modern paint materials through the development of analytical techniques for identifying modern paint media and the evaluation of cleaning methods and techniques for modern paintings. A project of the Modern and Contemporary Art Research Initiative.
The project addresses questions regarding the character of modern paint materials through the development of analytical techniques for identifying modern paint media and the evaluation of cleaning methods and techniques for modern paintings. A project of the Modern and Contemporary Art Research Initiative.
Mosaic Conservation Technician Training
This practical hands-on regional training project develops teams of skilled technicians who can address basic stabilization and maintenance needs of in situ and lifted mosaics. A project of the MOSAIKON Initiative.
This practical hands-on regional training project develops teams of skilled technicians who can address basic stabilization and maintenance needs of in situ and lifted mosaics. A project of the MOSAIKON Initiative.
Mosaics at Archaeological Sites: Training for Site Managers
A series of regional training courses in the conservation and management of archaeological sites for archaeological site managers and others charged with the care and stewardship of in situ mosaics in the southern and eastern Mediterranean region. A project of the MOSAIKON Initiative.
A series of regional training courses in the conservation and management of archaeological sites for archaeological site managers and others charged with the care and stewardship of in situ mosaics in the southern and eastern Mediterranean region. A project of the MOSAIKON Initiative.
A partnership of the Getty Conservation Institute, the Getty Foundation, ICCROM, and the International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics, this project addresses the need for enhanced capacity in the conservation and management of archaeological mosaics in the Mediterranean region through strategic targeting of priorities and deployment of resources.
A partnership of the Getty Conservation Institute, the Getty Foundation, ICCROM, and the International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics, this project addresses the need for enhanced capacity in the conservation and management of archaeological mosaics in the Mediterranean region through strategic targeting of priorities and deployment of resources.
Nea Paphos Conservation and Management Project
A multiyear partnership with the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus to develop a conservation and management plan to guide the future preservation of the World Heritage site Nea Paphos and its Necropolis.
A multiyear partnership with the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus to develop a conservation and management plan to guide the future preservation of the World Heritage site Nea Paphos and its Necropolis.
Outdoor Sculpture
This scientific research project focuses on outdoor painted sculpture and protective coatings for unpainted metal substrates. A project of the Modern and Contemporary Art Research Initiative.
This scientific research project focuses on outdoor painted sculpture and protective coatings for unpainted metal substrates. A project of the Modern and Contemporary Art Research Initiative.
Photographic Processes Research
The goal of this project is to advance techniques for identifying important variations in photographic processes, thereby providing insight into postprocessing chemistry and chemical treatment of photographs.
The goal of this project is to advance techniques for identifying important variations in photographic processes, thereby providing insight into postprocessing chemistry and chemical treatment of photographs.
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Conservation Science
Two-year fellowship in conservation science for recent PhD recipients.
Two-year fellowship in conservation science for recent PhD recipients.
Preservation of Plastics
Preservation of Plastics is a long-term project dedicated to advancing the conservation of plastics in order to support professionals in the field facing the significant challenges posed by these materials. A project of the Modern and Contemporary Art Research Initiative.
Preservation of Plastics is a long-term project dedicated to advancing the conservation of plastics in order to support professionals in the field facing the significant challenges posed by these materials. A project of the Modern and Contemporary Art Research Initiative.

Recent Advances in Characterizing Asian Lacquer
This workshop series aims to disseminate new procedures developed by the GCI for acquiring detailed compositional information about lacquered objects, with the aim of improving the characterization, understanding and preservation of this material. A project of the Research into Practice Initiative.
This workshop series aims to disseminate new procedures developed by the GCI for acquiring detailed compositional information about lacquered objects, with the aim of improving the characterization, understanding and preservation of this material. A project of the Research into Practice Initiative.
Research Into Practice Initiative
A series of training workshops, colloquia, and similar events to present new scientific advances resulting from research undertaken by the GCI and its partners.
A series of training workshops, colloquia, and similar events to present new scientific advances resulting from research undertaken by the GCI and its partners.
Seismic Retrofitting Project
This project seeks to combine traditional construction techniques and materials with high-tech methodologies to design and test easy-to-implement seismic retrofitting techniques and maintenance programs. A project of the Earthen Architecture Initiative.
This project seeks to combine traditional construction techniques and materials with high-tech methodologies to design and test easy-to-implement seismic retrofitting techniques and maintenance programs. A project of the Earthen Architecture Initiative.
Shelters for Archaeological Sites with Mosaics
The goal of this project is to develop and broadly disseminate practical guidelines for sheltering archaeological sites with mosaics. A project of the MOSAIKON Initiative.
The goal of this project is to develop and broadly disseminate practical guidelines for sheltering archaeological sites with mosaics. A project of the MOSAIKON Initiative.
Surface Treatment Strategies for Outdoor Painted Sculpture
This workshop series aims to provide conservators with the practical and theoretical tools to design effective treatment strategies for outdoor painted sculpture. A project of the Modern and Contemporary Art Research Initiative.
This workshop series aims to provide conservators with the practical and theoretical tools to design effective treatment strategies for outdoor painted sculpture. A project of the Modern and Contemporary Art Research Initiative.
Terra 2022 World Congress on Earthen Architecture
This four-day program, to be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, will convene a diverse group of professionals from a wide range of geographic regions to share their knowledge and experience on the state of the art of earthen heritage study and conservation.

The UCLA/Getty Interdepartmental Program in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage
This program, which awards a master's degree in Conservation of Cultural Heritage is a partnership of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA and the J. Paul Getty Trust.
This program, which awards a master's degree in Conservation of Cultural Heritage is a partnership of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA and the J. Paul Getty Trust.
Urban Conservation Planning in Southeast Asia
This project seeks to improve urban conservation practice within Southeast Asia by offering a series of short, intensive, and practical courses for Malaysian urban planners and architects that emphasize internationally recognized urban conservation planning methodologies, including tools and techniques employed in the context of conservation and planning.
This project seeks to improve urban conservation practice within Southeast Asia by offering a series of short, intensive, and practical courses for Malaysian urban planners and architects that emphasize internationally recognized urban conservation planning methodologies, including tools and techniques employed in the context of conservation and planning.

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