Deep Field

An interactive AR and sonic experience by artists Tin&Ed


The Getty Center

This is a past event

Sign-up for an inspirational tour of plant-related objects in the Museum’s collection. Please visit the desk next to the Runnel Fountain on the Plaza (across from the Restaurant) to book your experience. Tours run at 10:45 am, 12:30 pm, and 2:00 pm each day.

Visitors of all ages are invited to virtually co-create a digital ecosystem of fantastical plants. Using a custom iPad Pro drawing app and pencil, participants can create imaginative plants and flowers and upload them to a global database. Almost instantly, drawings–joined in real-time by other users' art–bloom into 3D plant structures, trailing across the floor, walls, and ceiling.

More than an immersive simulation, Deep Field also asks its audience to consider a new perspective on the interconnectedness of living organisms. Using the app’s UV mode, participants can walk around and observe the vivid UV patches on real flowers and plants that cannot be seen by humans, allowing them to perceive the world as butterflies, bees, and bioluminescent fireflies. Thanks to a layered multichannel soundscape by audio naturalist Martyn Stewart, participants can listen to endangered and extinct species while viewing their artwork in the app.

Deep Field is simultaneously held at Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney in July 2023. After Getty and Art Gallery of New South Wales, Deep Field will continue to other cultural institutions around the world.

About Tin&Ed
Tin Nguyen and Edward Cutting are Australian artists and creative technologists based in New York. They create playful installations and experiences that illuminate the borderless dimension between art and science, the physical and the digital, the human and the more than human. Their work is driven by a deep curiosity for the natural world and the intricate ways we are connected to it. They use art to envision the world through this lens of interconnectedness.

Tin&Ed are alumni of NEW INC, the art and technology incubator run by the New Museum. They were part of the interactive experiences cohort in Year 6 and creative science cohort in year 7. Their work has been shown at The Rockefeller Center and Pioneer Works in New York, the Getty Museum in LA, the Smithsonian in Washington DC, the Barbican Centre in London, and Space10 Gallery in Copenhagen.

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(310) 440-7300
