Taddeo Copying Raphael's Frescoes in the Loggia of Villa Farnesina, Where He Is Also Represented Asleep
Do you like to draw? There once was a boy in Italy who loved to draw more than almost anything else in the world. Sometimes he even got out of bed in the middle of the night just so he could lean out of his window and draw by moonlight.

The boy's name was Taddeo Zuccaro (tah-DAY-oh ZOO-car-oh), and he lived in the 1500s. Against his father's wishes, he went to Rome when he was only 14 years old so that he could study art made by the famous artists of his time. Taddeo knew that if he was ever to be a great artist himself, he had to practice drawing every chance he got.

Like many young artists, Taddeo drew pictures of paintings and sculptures he saw in Rome. This artwork, which was made by his brother Federico, shows Taddeo copying a painting on a wall. Look closely. Can you see the figure behind Taddeo? That's also Taddeo. Federico sketched him twice in the same picture because he wanted to show that Taddeo was both eager to study art and so poor that he sometimes slept outside. Taddeo's efforts paid off. By the age of 18, he was good enough to be asked to create paintings for a grand palace.





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