Servers delivered all the food, drink, and tableware necessary for a sumptuous medieval banquet. Find four details in the images below that servers made sure were on (or near) the table.

Table Dressing

Which detail appears in this image?

Birds caught during the hunt were the most prized dishes served at the feast. In the most elaborate presentations, the cooked poultry was decorated with its own feathers. If the bird was "dressed up," the household was a wealthy one.


Creature Comforts

Which detail appears in this image?

Dogs were often present at medieval feasts to eat table scraps and clean up after the meal. Servers might command the dogs, like the man in the blue shirt and red tights who claps his hands to send the dogs running.


Morals and Customs

Which detail appears in this image?

Before every meal, a server brought water and a towel so the lord and lady of a wealthy household could wash their hands. This poorly behaved server offers common guests her dress instead. How rude!


Holy Work

Which detail appears in this image?

The medieval calendar was filled with fasting days, when eating meat and dairy was forbidden. On these days, eating fish became a way to show devotion. Here, a nun serves fish to a sick man, demonstrating her piety and charity.

The Server

The SERVER has finished work for the feast.

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