Festivals provided an opportunity for peasants to celebrate and escape the hardships of daily life. Find four details in the images below that offered entertainment and satisfied some basic needs.

Pageant Wagon

Which detail appears in this image?

A tree with sausages is mounted on this pageant wagon, showing food as a central element in street parades. Dressed in festive costumes, these partygoers in Bamberg, Germany, rode through the streets on carnival floats.


Land of Cockaigne

Which detail appears in this image?

In the mythical Land of Cockaigne, no one ever goes hungry or has to work: pastries sprout from the earth and lakes are filled with meatballs. A steaming pot of food is at the center of this print, bubbling like a volcano.


Edible Architecture

Which detail appears in this image?

At Cuccagna festivals, peasants experienced the mythical Land of Cockaigne. This was a fertile paradise, offering temporary architecture covered with breads, cheeses, salami, and other meats—all for the taking!


Cuccagna Monument

Which detail appears in this image?

For entertainment the court would watch from balconies as peasants shinnied up greased poles, called "Cuccagna trees," to retrieve food, or sometimes fine clothes, hanging at the very top.

The Peasant

The PEASANT has enjoyed the festival.

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