The master carver was a highly trained culinary professional who played an important role in theatrical presentations of food. Find four details in the images below to learn about the carver's tableside performance.

Knives and Forks

Which detail appears in this image?

It was customary for guests to bring their own utensils to a feast. Similarly, the carver brought his own professional tools. Here is an example of one set of carving tools—knives in various sizes and two-pronged forks.


Carving a Suckling Pig

Which detail appears in this image?

Precursors to modern cookbooks, carving manuals provided how-to instructions, illustrating exactly where and how cuts should be made. The diagrams were so precise that lengthy written instructions were not needed.


Carving Diagrams

Which detail appears in this image?

Holding meat aloft on his fork, the carver would stand beside diners, skillfully deboning and slicing all kinds of meat, from venison and pork to poultry and rabbit. He put on quite a show!


Sculpted Oranges

Which detail appears in this image?

With sharp knives, a carver could turn ordinary pieces of fruit into extraordinary works of art! Sculpted pears, apples, oranges, and lemons were displayed as table decorations to awe dinner guests. Can you tell what kinds of fruits have been carved?

The Carver

The MASTER CARVER has done his work for the feast.

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