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Top of the CONA Hierarchy
.... Movable Works (CONA facet)
........ <M> (5)
............ Movable Works by class: carvings and sculptures
................ Adolescent I
................ Allegorical Portrait of the van Risamburgh Family
................ Amida
................ Angels of Ponte Sant'Angelo
................ Antefix
................ Apollo Crowning Himself
................ A Processional Image
................ Arula
................ Arula (Altar)
................ A Solar Deity
................ A Subtlety
................ Atlas Supporting Globe of Heaven
................ A Turkey
................ Augustus Fountain
................ Avalokiteshvara
................ A Votive Tablet
................ Bannerstone
................ Becca
................ Bodhisattva, probably Avalokiteshvara (Guanyin)
................ Boreas Abducting Orithyia
................ Boy with a Dragon
................ Buddha in Abhaya-mudra Seated on a Lion Throne
................ Bust of a Man
................ Bust of a Man
................ Bust of an African Woman (based on an image of Mary Seacole [1805 - 1881])
................ Bust of a Woman
................ Bust of a Young Man
................ Bust of Emperor Caracalla (born 188, reigned A.D. 211 - 217)
................ Bust of Jacob van Reygersberg
................ Bust of Jean Léon Gérôme (1824 - 1904)
................ Bust of Juliette Récamier (1777 - 1849)
................ Bust of L. Licinius Nepos
................ Bust of Maria Cerri Capranica
................ Bust of Marie-Sébastien-Charles-François Fontaine de Biré
................ Bust of the Buddhist Goddess Prajnaparamita
................ Carved Relief
................ Case Study House No. 26 - model
................ Ceremonial Mask
................ Christ Child
................ Christ in Majesty
................ Clazomenian Sarcophagus
................ Coffin
................ Column of Marcus Aurelius
................ Commodus as Hercules
................ Comrade in Mourning
................ Concert for Anarchy
................ Cultural Crossroads of the Americas
................ Dancer
................ Dancing Faun
................ Dancing Faun
................ Dancing Ganesha, Lord of Obstacles
................ Das Höllentor
................ Day/Night
................ Diadoumenos
................ Dignity
................ Diogenes
................ Ecce Puer
................ Elephant with Raised Trunk
................ Equestrian Figure
................ Equestrian Statue of General Andrew Jackson
................ Erosion
................ Farnese Flora
................ Farnese Herculese
................ Felt Suit
................ Female figure
................ Female Figure of the Kilia Type
................ Female Figure of the Late Spedos Type
................ Female Figure (possibly Venus, formerly titled Bathsheba)
................ Female figure with child
................ Figure (Beltrame di Milano [?])
................ Figure Group: The Flute Lesson (Le Flûteur) (one of a pair)
................ Figure of a Fertility Goddess
................ Fountain
................ Fox with a Chicken, A
................ Fragmentary Antefix
................ Fragmentary Antefix
................ Fragmentary Neolithic seated male figurine
................ Fragmentary Statuette of a Male Figure
................ Fragment of a Female Statue
................ Fragment of a Female Statue
................ Fragment of a Female Statue
................ Fragment of a Female Statue
................ Fragment of a Female Statue
................ Fragment of a Female Statue
................ Fragment of a Male Statue
................ Fragment of a Male Statue
................ Fragment of a Male Statue
................ Fragment of a Male(?) Statue
................ Fragment of an Applique
................ Fragments of a marble statue of the Diadoumenos
................ Ganesha
................ Gazelle
................ Geometric Statuette of a Horse
................ Grave Relief of a Silversmith
................ Grave Stele For Helena
................ Grave Stele of Herophanta and Posideos
................ Grave Stele of Mynnia
................ Grave Stele of Phanokrates
................ Great Sphinx
................ Group of Eleven Figures (Allegory of Autumn)
................ Guanyin
................ Guanyin, Bodhisattva of Compassion
................ Harlequin
................ Harlequin with Jug
................ Head from the Statue of the Young Bacchus
................ Head of Apollo, Belvedere Type
................ Head of Athena
................ Head of a Young Woman from a Grave Naiskos
................ Head of Female Figure
................ Head of the Hindu God Bhairava from a Libation Vessel
................ Head of Venus
................ Head with Horns
................ Hercules and Telephus
................ Herm of a Vestal Virgin
................ Horses of San Marco
................ Horse Trotting, the Feet Not Touching the Ground
................ Indra, Chief of the Gods
................ Inscribed Tombstone of Cui Youfu of the Tang Dynasty [Henan museum]
................ Juggling Man
................ Juno
................ Knife Ship I
................ Kop van Boeddha
................ Kouros
................ Kouros
................ Kuvera: god van de rijkdom
................ Kuwaha Pataka (carved figure)
................ L'Ange protecteur
................ Laocöon
................ La Paix de 1815
................ La Porte de l’Enfer
................ La Résistance de 1814
................ Large Arch
................ Last Judgment, West Tympanum at Autun Cathedral
................ La testa di Ade
................ Leatherlips
................ Le Triomphe de 1810
................ Lion Attacking a Bull
................ Lion Attacking a Horse
................ Lion Cub
................ Little Clown, the Trumpeteer
................ Louis XIV on Horseback
................ Lunette: profile portrait of Louis XIV
................ Madonna of the Trail Monuments
................ Maitreya
................ Makara
................ Maman
................ Manjushri
................ Marble statue of the Diadoumenos
................ Maternidad
................ Maternidad
................ Medici Venus
................ Medusa
................ Mercury and Argus
................ Minerva
................ Miniature Bust
................ Miniature Portrait Bust of a Woman
................ Miniature Skeleton
................ Moai kavakava (human figure)
................ Mother and Child (Divided)
................ Nachtlichtje in de vorm van een kat
................ Nandishvara
................ Náyade
................ Odalisque
................ Offering to Priapus
................ One of a pair of Decorative Figures
................ One of a pair of Decorative Figures
................ Ozymandias Colossus
................ Paul Bunyan of Bangor, Maine
................ Pergamon Altar
................ Perseus and Medusa
................ Pietà
................ Plaque
................ Plaque in the Shape of a Bull
................ Pluto Abducting Proserpine
................ Portrait Bust of a Woman
................ Portrait Bust of Livia
................ Portrait Bust of Menander
................ Portrait Head of a Balding Man
................ Portrait Head of Agrippina the Younger
................ Portrait Head of an Old Man
................ Portrait Head of Augustus
................ Portrait Head of Caligula
................ Portrait Head of Julia Titi
................ Portrait Head of Man
................ Portrait of Alexander the Great
................ Portrait of a Man
................ Prada Marfa
................ Putto Holding Shield to His Left
................ Putto Holding Shield to His Right
................ Rahu, The Demon of Eclipses
................ Rape of the Sabines
................ Rape of the Sabines
................ Rape of the Sabines
................ Rape of the Sabines
................ Rearing Horse
................ Relief of Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II and the Goddess Hathor
................ Residence for Herbert Green, Cherry Ridge, Pennsylvania
................ Sacrifice
................ Saint Ginés de la Jara
................ Sarcophagus
................ Sarcophagus and Lid; Crouching Lion Supports
................ Sarcophagus representing a Dionysiac Vintage Festival
................ Saturn Devouring One of His Children
................ Satyr
................ Self Portrait as a Warrior
................ Shiva
................ Shiva and Parvati
................ Shiva as Lord of the Dance
................ Shivalinga Cover with Five Faces
................ Shiva Nataraja
................ Shiva's Family
................ Sphinx of Shepenupet
................ Spout or Finial: Lion's Head
................ Standing Parvati
................ Statua femminile restaurata come Musa
................ Statue of Abraham Lincoln
................ Statue of a Collapsing Niobid
................ Statue of a Crouching Venus
................ Statue of a Muse
................ Statue of a Muse
................ Statue of a Muse
................ Statue of a Muse
................ Statue of a Seated Cybele with the Portrait Head of her Priestess
................ Statue of a Victorious Youth
................ Statue of Hercules
................ Statue of Hercules (Lansdowne Herakles)
................ Statue of Jupiter (Marbury Hall Zeus)
................ Statue of the Infant Cupid
................ Statuette of a Bull
................ Statuette of a Comic Actor
................ Statuette of a Dancer
................ Statuette of a Gladiator
................ Statuette of a Griffin with an Arimasp
................ Statuette of an Ape
................ Statuette of an Old Woman
................ Statuette of Aphrodite
................ Statuette of a Ruler or Divinity
................ Statuette of a Satyr
................ Statuette of a Stag
................ Statuette of a Veiled and Masked Dancer
................ Statuette of a Woman Carrying a Boy on Her Shoulders
................ Statuette of Mars-Cobannus
................ Statuette of Mercury
................ Statuette of Mithras on Horseback
................ Statuette of Phrixos
................ Statuette of Priapus
................ Statuette of Venus
................ Statuette: Seated Divinity
................ Striding Thoth
................ Surya, The Sun God
................ Susanna and the Elders
................ Tekoteko (gable figure)
................ The Bodhisattva Manjushri
................ The Buddhist Goddess Shyama Tara (Green Tara) Attended by Sita Tara (White Tara) and Bhrikuti
................ The Family of General Guillaume Philibert Duhesme (1766 - 1815)
................ The Flood Tablet
................ The Goddess Gauri
................ The Goddess Kurukulla
................ The Goddess Vasudhara
................ The God Ganesa
................ The God Vishnu
................ The Hindu Goddess Kali
................ The Hindu God Vishnu
................ The Maharishi (Great Sage) Agastya
................ The Mahasiddha (Great Adept) Naropa (956-1040)
................ The Reserve of Dead Swiss
................ The Seven Mother Goddesses (Matrikas) Flanked by Shiva-Virabhadra and Ganesha, Lord of Obstacles
................ The Story of the Golden Gander
................ The Sun God Surya
................ Thornton Brass
................ Tomb Figure of a Bactrian Camel
................ Torso of a Statue of a Draped Figure, possibly a Nymph or Muse
................ Tribune des Cariatides
................ Truisms
................ Unique Forms of Continuity in Space
................ Unique Forms of Continuity in Space
................ Unique Forms of Continuity in Space
................ Unique Forms of Continuity in Space
................ Unique Forms of Continuity in Space
................ Upoko whakairo (carved head)
................ Vajrabhairava
................ Venus
................ Venus and Cupid
................ Venus de Milo
................ Venus Reclining on a Sea Monster with Cupid and a Putto
................ Vishnu with Lakshmi Astride Garuda
................ Visjnoe
................ Votive Statuette of Hercle
................ Warrior on Horseback
................ Waterspout with Acheloös
................ Wooldridge Monuments
................ Wu Family Shrines
................ Zeus in trono
................ Christ the Redeemer [N]
................ Colossi of Memnon [N]
................ G-Nome Project, Molecular Biology Building [N]
................ Harvest Prayer Sculpture [N]
................ Jerusalem Stable [N]
................ John Harvard Statue [N]
................ Peau Rouge Indiana [N]
................ Showalter Fountain [N]
................ Statue of Liberty [N]
................ Stuart Collection [N]
................ Uffington white horse [N]
................ Works at Mogao [N]

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