Getty This Week

WEEKLY STAFF NEWS | 01.19.2021




DEAI Council Update

In October, the DEAI Council voted to prioritize five goals for the first six months of 2021. We are seeking staff input as we develop recommendations/action steps to achieve them. Please send one or two ideas for actions you would like the Council to consider to by the end of January.

Getty DEAI Council top five priorities for 2021:

  • Evaluate current hiring processes; identify shortcomings in order to redesign hiring practices to promote DEAI.
  • Increase staff engagement through mentoring, training, sponsorship programs, and leadership development.
  • Create opportunities for awareness of department and program work, to inspire appreciation for different roles, opportunities for collaboration, and break the cycle of working in silos.
  • Develop a mission-driven case, including root concepts, definitions, and metrics for DEAI at the Getty.
  • For Getty staff to learn—in inclusive, systematic, and persistent ways—about anti-racism and white supremacy in order to adopt structural changes for lasting and meaningful impact.

English and Spanish versions of the DEAI council top five priorities are attached to this email. The priorities can also be found on GO in both English and Spanish. Click on Getty DEAI Council.

Limited Term Employment Update

We continue to work on this high-priority matter, and to resolve complex and unique issues for each LTE employee. Please see attached for more information.

Revised HR Lunch and Learn Schedule

Due to schedule conflicts, the HR Lunch and Learn sessions now begin on Thursday, February 4. The full schedule, topics and Zoom links are below. All sessions are 12-1 p.m.


Reminder: Managing Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

Workshops—led by JONES—begin Thursday, January 21, and are being offered in January and February. If you would like to register, please use this Survey Monkey link to select your preferred dates. You will receive a confirmation and Outlook appointment from for the session for which you are scheduled.

COVID Vaccine

In an effort to provide information to staff about the vaccine, we want to remind you that most counties have a vaccine information page on their health department’s web site, which may include the timetable and eligibility for receiving the vaccine. For example, here are links to the L.A. County information page and vaccine distribution page.

We are also learning that many healthcare providers are reaching out to their patients when they become eligible for the vaccine. We encourage employees to be sure their contact information is correct with their healthcare providers.

Please be aware that individuals who have received the vaccine will continue to be required to wear a mask, socially distance, and follow all safety protocols.

Staff Feedback on COVID Safety and Vaccine

Getty’s survey opens on Wednesday, January 20, with questions about whether you feel safe, if you have the information you need, and your current thoughts about the vaccine. The survey will remain open until January 27. Everyone will receive a personalized email through their Getty email address. If you have questions or difficulty accessing the survey, please contact

Early Retirement

Staff interested in early retirement may have noticed that the first version of Getty’s DEAI Plan included language about an early retirement incentive program under consideration as a means to improve professional advancement opportunities within Getty. After careful assessment and analysis, it was determined that such a program would actually not advance this goal. Having completed the feasibility study, that outcome is now no longer part of the updated DEAI Plan.

Zoom Security Is Up to You!

It’s your responsibility to keep your Zoom meetings safe and secure by always using a passcode and, for additional security, a waiting room. Passcodes should be changed for each meeting, especially when your Zoom meeting participant list has changed. If you need a refresher, Zoom support offers illustrations on how to set up a meeting with a waiting room or how to set up or change a passcode.



GRI Reorganization

The GRI recently launched a reorganization that conceptualizes its mission and work in a four-part framework: Collections and Discovery, Knowledge Creation/Research, Dissemination and External Affairs, and Administration. New reporting structures will configure departments and personnel to align with the framework. With re-focused leadership, the reorganization will allow the GRI to meet Getty’s “Digital First” goal in collections, scholarship, and outreach, while maximizing talent and providing more opportunities for staff growth and development. More details are available in the attached document.

“In Pursuit of ___” Photography Contest Winners

The nonprofit design lab Amplifier and the Getty Museum announced the winners of “In Pursuit of___,” a joint open call for photography from students ages 13-19. Selected from over 1,500 submissions from teenagers around the country, the 34 winning artworks were chosen for their thoughtful and creative responses, inspired by the famous Declaration of Independence phrase, “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Check out the winning photographs on the Iris.

January 12 All-Staff Update Video on GO

The video recording of the January 12 All-Staff Webinar is now available on GO for staff to stream. For staff who do not have access to GO, the video is also available online through this link and password: inspire2021.



New Year, New Fitness Goals

The Fitness Center continues to offer virtual fitness options. Find the Zoom class schedule on or access a variety of on-demand fitness classes on the Wellbeats website and app. Subscribe to the Fitness Center email list to learn about upcoming fitness challenges, including the upcoming Empowered Balance and Race Your Way to a Healthy Heart programs. Contact to learn more.

Ceramics and Propaganda Webinar

The GRI Scholars Program invites you to attend The Art of Going to Pieces: Ceramics and Propaganda in the Reformation, on Monday, January 25, at 10:30 a.m. PST. The webinar will be presented by Getty Fellow David Zagoury. Join the event at this Zoom link, passcode: 915417.



Getty Anniversaries This Week

Last week, we mixed up Karen Meyer-Roux and Andrea Bestow’s anniversaries! We apologize; they are corrected below.

Five Years

  • Maristella Casciato, Curatorial, GRI

10 Years

  • David Hughes, Investment Administration, Trust Finance
  • Eric Hormell, Collecting and Provenance, GRI

15 Years

  • Nestor Salcido, Telecommunications Services, Trust
  • Jose Sumilang, Security Operations, Trust
  • Luis Rios Jr., Warehouse Stores, Facilities


  • Karen Meyer-Roux, Collections Management, GRI

25 Years

  • Andrea Bestow, Events, Facilities


Comings and Goings

See how the Getty community is changing—and welcome new co-workers.

See and search past Getty THIS WEEK newsletters on GO.

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