Library Catalog

Boite, series C / Duchamp
The Dada and Surrealist movements fueled much of the avant-garde impulse in the twentieth century. Among the GRI's principal research resources are Dada and Surrealist reviews including The Blind Man, Dada, La Révolution surréaliste, Documents, Minotaure, Mandrágora, Las Moradas, View, and VVV, together with the many manifestoes, flyers, and other ephemeral publications issued by the two movements. Complementing these resources are manuscripts and correspondence from Hans Bellmer, André Breton, Enrique Gómez-Correa, Raoul Hausmann, Richard Huelsenbeck, Man Ray, E. L. T. Mesens, Meret Oppenheim, Francis Picabia, Hans Richter, Kay Sage, and Emilio Adolfo Westphalen, among others. Visual resources include original collages and other artwork by César Moro and Marcel Duchamp, as well as photographic documentation of several of the historic surrealist exhibitions. Particularly well-represented are the international nodes of Surrealism in Belgium, Latin America, and Japan.