Experts Meeting

In September 2013, the GCI convened a meeting of experts to explore the extent to which computer-assisted technologies may help cultural heritage researchers integrate different types of data, including those from different researchers and different institutions, in a way that facilitates the extraction, sharing and understanding of new information by a broad community of users.

Thirty experts participated in the meeting, representing the fields of conservation, conservation science, art history, imaging science, data visualization, data and information science, astronomy, computer science, medicine, and software development. Institutions represented included cultural heritage institutions (museums and research/teaching organizations), universities, government agencies, and corporations.

During two and a half days of animated discussion, meeting participants discussed the state of the field in both cultural heritage research practice and computer-assisted technologies, identified new avenues of research that would be made possible or enhanced by data integration, suggested measures for implementing and supporting computer-assisted solutions to data integration, and identified priorities for action.

Read more about the meeting's recommendations and outcomes in the meeting report.

This meeting was generously supported by Dan Greenberg and Susan Steinhauser.

Page updated: December 2014