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ID: 901002336
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Record Type: Character/Person

Ugajin (Japanese deity)

Note: Japanese deity taking the form of a snake with a human head, variably an elderly man or woman's head. Originally solely a Shinto deity (kami), Ugajin was later adopted into the Buddhist pantheon by followers of the Shugendō tradition; revered as the deity of rice, water, good fortune, fertility, and wealth.

Ugajin (Japanese deity) (preferred,English-P,D,N)
宇賀神 (Japanese deity) (English,U,N)
宇賀神 (Japanese deity) (Japanese,U,N)
Uga no Mitama (Japanese deity) (English,U,N)
Uka no Mitama (Japanese deity) (English,U,N)

Hierarchical Position:
Legend, Religion, Mythology (P)
....<Japanese iconography> (P)
........<Japanese characters> (P)
............Ugajin (Japanese deity) (I)
Related Iconography:
related to .... Benzaiten
..........(Legend, Religion, Mythology, Buddhist iconography, Buddhist characters, Benzaiten (Japanese deity)) [901002259]
related to .... Uga Benzaiten
..........(Legend, Religion, Mythology, Japanese iconography, Japanese characters, Uga Benzaiten (Japanese deity)) [901002337]

Other Relationships:
culture/religion is .... Japanese Buddhism
.....(Buddhism, religions (belief systems, cultures), religions and religious concepts, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
culture/religion is .... Shinto
.....(religions (belief systems, cultures), religions and religious concepts, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
takes the form of .... snake (suborder)
.....(Squamata (order), Reptilia (class), Vertebrata (subphylum), Chordata (phylum), Animalia (kingdom), Eukaryota (domain), living organisms (entities), Living Organisms (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
deity of .... rice (seed)
.....(seed (material), seed and seed components materials, plant material, biological material, materials by origin, materials (substances), Materials (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
deity of .... fertility
.....(biological concepts, scientific concepts, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
role/characteristic is .... deity
.....(people in religion, people in religion and related occupations, people in the humanities, people by occupation, people (agents), People (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
deity of .... wealth
.....(economic concepts, social science concepts, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
culture/religion is .... Shugendo
.....(religions (belief systems, cultures), religions and religious concepts, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) (AAT)

Ugajin (Japanese deity)
................Tokyo National Museum [online] (2020) "Ugajin," accessed 22 July 2020, "Enku's Buddhas: Sculptures from Senkoji Temple and the Hida Region,"
................Metropolitan Museum of Art [online] (2001-) "Ugajin," accessed 22 July 2020, "Benzaiten and Ugajin (Japanese Rice Deity),"
................British Museum [online] (1999-) "Ugajin," accessed 22 July 2020, "Ugajin,"
宇賀神 (Japanese deity)
................British Museum [online] (1999-) "宇賀神," accessed 22 July 2020, "Ugajin,"
Uga no Mitama (Japanese deity)
................Art Gallery of NSW [online] (2000-) "Uga no Mitama," accessed 24 July 2020, "Uga Benzaiten and her fifteen attendants ('dōji')"
Uka no Mitama (Japanese deity)
................Art Gallery of NSW [online] (2000-) "Uka no Mitama," accessed 24 July 2020, "Uga Benzaiten and her fifteen attendants ('dōji'),"
Iconography Record Sources:
................ British Museum [online] (1999-) accessed 22 July 2020, "Ugajin,"
................ Tokyo National Museum [online] (2020) accessed 22 July 2020, "Enku's Buddhas: Sculptures from Senkoji Temple and the Hida Region,"
................ Source for image ;accessed 22 July 2020
................ Art Gallery of NSW [online] (2000-) accessed 22 July 2020, "Uga Benzaiten and her fifteen attendants ('dōji'),"

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