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October 20, 2010
Courses and Demonstrations
Drawing from the Old Masters: Drapery, the Art of Hiding and Revealing
Wednesday October 20, 2010
1 pm - 4 pm
Museum Studios, Getty Center

Educator Zhenya Gershman explores the dynamics and mechanics of drawing drapery. Participants examine original works of art and participate in guided drawing exercises to discover how Old Masters depicted realistic and compelling drapery in their portraits. Course fee $35 (includes materials). Open to 25 participants.

For reservations please call (310) 440-7300 or use the "Get Tickets" button below.

Tours and Gallery Talks
Garden Tour
11:30 am, 12:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm
Getty Center

This is a 45-minute tour of the Getty gardens, including Robert Irwin's Central Garden. Meet the docent outside at the bench under the sycamore trees near the front entrance of the Museum.

Focus Tour: Baroque and Rococo Art
3 pm
Museum Galleries, Getty Center

Enjoy a one-hour tour focusing on the Getty's Baroque and Rococo collections by exploring the art and culture of these related and distinctive historic periods of the 17th and 18th centuries. Meet the educator at the Museum Information Desk.

Lively Still Lifes Tour
Daily through November 28, 2010
1:30 pm
Museum Galleries, Getty Center

Explore the symbolic and sensuous pleasures of still life seen in paintings, sculpture, and photographs in this one-hour tour. Meet the educator at the Museum Information Desk.

Masterpiece of the Week Talk
Daily through October 24, 2010
4 pm
Museum Galleries, Getty Center

This 15-minute gallery talk offers an in-depth look at one object. This week the featured work of art is Vietnam by Philip Jones Griffiths. Meet the educator at the Museum Information Desk.

Getty Center
Architecture Tour
10:15 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm
Museum Entrance Hall, Getty Center

Discover more about Richard Meier's architecture and the design of the Getty Center site in this 45-minute tour. Meet the docent outside at the bench under the sycamore trees near the front entrance to the Museum.

Halberdier / Pontormo
Collection Highlights Tour
11 am
Museum Galleries, Getty Center

This one-hour tour provides an overview of major works from the Museum's collection. Meet the educator at the Museum Information Desk.

Curator's Gallery Talk
Wednesday October 20, 2010
2:30 pm
Museum Galleries, Getty Center

Thomas Kren, curator of Manuscripts, the J. Paul Getty Museum, leads a gallery talk on the exhibition Illuminated Manuscripts from Belgium and the Netherlands. Meet under the stairs in the Museum Entrance Hall.

La Roldana's Saint Gines
La Roldana's Saint Ginés: The Making of a Polychrome Sculpture

South Pavilion, Plaza Level, Getty Center

Luisa Roldán (Spanish, 1650–1704), affectionately known as La Roldana, was one of the most celebrated and prolific sculptors of the Baroque period. This intimate exhibition introduces visitors to La Roldana, whose artistic superiority catapulted her to fame at the royal court in an otherwise male-dominated profession. She ran a workshop, worked for the king, raised a family, and was a celebrity in her own day. With her polychrome sculpture of Saint Ginés de la Jara from the Getty Museum's collection as a focal point, this exhibition explores the artist's life, artistic achievement, and the multifaceted process used to create masterfully lifelike polychrome sculpture.

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Foundry to Finish
Foundry to Finish: The Making of a Bronze Sculpture
Daily through January 2, 2011

North Pavilion, Plaza Level, Getty Center

Get a rare look at how bronze sculpture is born in Foundry to Finish. Visitors explore a process called direct lost-wax casting—a method that yields a single, unique bronze cast of an artist's original clay-and-wax model. Thirteen step-by-step models illustrate the sculpting and casting process. Through X-radiographs, visitors can even get a glimpse inside an original sculpture to see firsthand evidence of how the bronze was cast. The installation complements Cast in Bronze: French Sculpture from Renaissance to Revolution, an international touring exhibition also on view.

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Engaged Observers: Documentary Photography since the Sixties
Engaged Observers: Documentary Photography since the Sixties
Daily through November 14, 2010

West Pavilion, Terrace Level, Getty Center

In the decades following World War II, an independently minded and critically engaged form of photography began to gather momentum. Since then a host of photographers have combined their skills as reporters and artists, developing extended photographic essays that delve deeply into humanistic topics and present distinct personal visions of the world. Embracing the gray areas between objectivity and subjectivity, information and interpretation, journalism and art, they have created powerful visual reports that transcend the realm of traditional photojournalism. Engaged Observers: Documentary Photography since the Sixties looks in-depth at projects by photographers who have contributed to the development of this approach, including Leonard Freed, Lauren Greenfield, Philip Jones Griffiths, Mary Ellen Mark, Susan Meiselas, James Nachtwey, Sebastião Salgado, W. Eugene and Aileen M. Smith, and Larry Towell.

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Illuminated Manuscripts from Belgium and the Netherlands
Illuminated Manuscripts from Belgium and the Netherlands
Daily through February 6, 2011

North Pavilion, Plaza Level, Getty Center

During the Middle Ages, the area occupied today by Belgium and the Netherlands flourished economically and artistically. By the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the towns of Bruges, Ghent, Antwerp, and Utrecht participated in one of the greatest flowerings of book illumination in Europe. This exhibition surveys the Getty Museum's holdings of medieval manuscripts from this region, including masterworks made for such influential patrons as the dukes of Burgundy—Philip the Good and Charles the Bold—and the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II. After eleven weeks the books' pages will be turned to reveal further illuminated riches.

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In Focus: Still Life
In Focus: Still Life
Daily through January 23, 2011

West Pavilion, Terrace Level, Getty Center

The term still life was coined during the 1600s, when painted examples were popular throughout Europe, and artists created increasingly complex compositions, bringing together a broad variety of objects to convey allegorical meanings. Still life featured prominently in the early photographic experiments of Jacques Louis Mandé Daguerre and William Henry Fox Talbot, the pioneers most widely recognized for inventing the medium during the late 1830s. Since then, it has served as both a conventional and an experimental form during periods of significant aesthetic and technological change. Drawn exclusively from the Getty Museum's photographs collection, this one-gallery exhibition surveys some of the innovative ways artists have explored and refreshed this traditional genre.

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Medieval and Renaissance Sculpture and Decorative Arts
New Galleries for Medieval and Renaissance Sculpture and Decorative Arts

North Pavilion, Plaza Level, Getty Center

A newly designed installation of medieval and Renaissance European sculpture and decorative arts is now on view in the J. Paul Getty Museum's North Pavilion at the Getty Center. Displayed with paintings, drawings, and illuminated manuscripts that enrich their context, the works of art are arranged by period and theme. The installation features innovative technologies, including interactive touch screens, that enhance the visitor's experience.

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October 20, 2010
Tours and Gallery Talks
Spotlight Talk: Statue of a Kouros
Wednesdays through October 27, 2010
1 pm
Museum Galleries, Getty Villa

Learn how to look at ancient art in this 20-minute gallery talk examining in-depth one work in the collection. The featured object this month is a Statue of a Kouros, which is either from around 530 B.C. or a modern forgery. Sign up at the Tour Meeting Place outside the Museum Entrance 15 minutes before the talk.

Getty Villa Inner Peristyle
Orientation Tour
10:30 am, 12:30 pm, 2:30 pm
Getty Villa

Learn about the Getty Villa's architecture and educational mission in this 40-minute introduction to the site. Meet at the Tour Meeting Place outside the Museum Entrance.

Getty Villa Outer Peristyle
Architecture and Gardens Tour
11:30 am, 1:30 pm, 3:30 pm
Museum, Getty Villa

Explore the ancient Roman world through the Museum's archtecture and gardens in this 40-minute tour. Meet at the Tour Meeting Place outside the Museum Entrance.

Lansdowne Herakles
Collection Highlights Tour
2 pm
Museum Galleries, Getty Villa

This one-hour tour provides an overview of major works from the Museum's collection. Space is limited. Sign up at the Tour Meeting Place outside the Museum Entrance 15 minutes before the tour.

Focus Tour: Animals in Ancient Art
Wednesday October 20, 2010
3 pm
Museum Galleries, Getty Villa

From the snakes used to ward off evil to the ferocious felines fought by gladiators, animals abound in ancient art. This one-hour tour illuminates their mythology, symbolism, and role in daily life. Tour topic to change. Sign-up begins 15 minutes before the tour at the Tour Meeting Place.

Molten Color: Glassmaking in Antiquity

Museum, Floor 2, Getty Villa

In 2003, the J. Paul Getty Museum acquired a collection of over 350 pieces of ancient glass, formerly owned by Erwin Oppenländer. The works on view in Molten Color are remarkable for their high quality, their chronological breadth, and the glassmaking techniques illustrated by their manufacture. The vessels are accompanied by text and videos illustrating ancient glassmaking techniques.

Roman Ephebe from Naples

Getty Villa

Youth as a Lamp Bearer, a long-term loan from the Museo Archeologico Nazionale in Naples, is on view at the J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Villa.

The Art of Ancient Greek Theater
The Art of Ancient Greek Theater
Daily through January 3, 2011

Museum, Floor 2, Getty Villa

Theatrical performance emerged in ancient Athens from the worship of Dionysos, the god of wine and theater. From productions in the Theater of Dionysos, the tragedies and satyr plays of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides as well as the comedies of Aristophanes and Menander spread throughout the Mediterranean, flourishing especially in southern Italy. There, in Magna Graecia, vase painters and sculptors created vivid depictions of dramatic scenes, representing sets, costumes, masks, choreography, and music. This major international loan exhibition is the first exploration in nearly sixty years of the many ways Greek plays and stagecraft inspired classical artists, whose works are often the only surviving evidence of the performing arts in antiquity. The exhibition coincides with the Villa's Outdoor Theater production of Sophocles' Elektra.

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