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Current Exhibitions
Tickets to the Villa
The Getty Center Los Angeles
May 8, 2006
Getty Center closed.
The Getty Villa Malibu
May 8, 2006
Tickets on the Web are sold out for this day. Try calling (310) 440-7300.

Tours and Gallery Talks
Getty Villa Inner Peristyle
Orientation Tour
Daily through June 30, 2007
10:30 am, 12:30 pm, 2:30 pm
Getty Villa

This 45-minute site tour offers an overview of the Getty Villa, its history, renovation, and new educational mission. Meet at the Tour Meeting Place outside the Museum Main Entrance.

Spotlight Talk: Harp Player
Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays through May 29, 2006
11 am
Museum Galleries, Getty Villa

This 20-minute gallery talk introduces ways of looking at ancient art through an in-depth exploration of one object in the collection. This month the featured work of art is the Harp Player, a Cycladic marble sculpture dating from 2700 B.C. Space is limited. Sign up at the Tour Meeting Place outside the Museum Main Entrance beginning at 10:30 a.m.

Getty Villa Outer Peristyle
Getty Villa Architecture and Gardens Tour
Daily through June 30, 2007
11:30 am, 1:30 pm, 3:30 pm
Museum, Getty Villa

This 45-minute tour explores the architecture and gardens of the Getty Villa and their historical prototypes. Meet at the Tour Meeting Place outside the Museum Main Entrance.

Lansdowne Herakles
Collection Highlights Tour
Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays through June 29, 2007
2 pm
Museum Galleries, Getty Villa

This one-hour tour provides an overview of major works from the Museum's collection. Meet at the Tour Meeting Place outside the Museum Main Entrance.

Focus Tour: The Heroic Ideal
Monday May 8, 2006
3 pm
Museum Galleries, Getty Villa

Throughout the ancient world heroes pervaded history, religion, and imagination. In this one-hour tour explore the cultural significance heroes and their adventures held for ancient Greeks and Romans. Space is limited. Sign up at the Tour Meeting Place outside the Museum Main Entrance beginning at 2:30 p.m.

Current Exhibitions
Reimagining the Getty Villa
The Getty Villa Reimagined
Daily through May 8, 2006

Museum, Floor 2, Getty Villa

This exhibition traces the renovation of the Getty Villa from the selection of architects Machado and Silvetti Associates through the master planning and realization of the project. Installed to look like an architect's studio, the display includes design competition sketchbooks, models and drawings, videos, and photographs.

 Learn more about this exhibition
Molten Color: Glassmaking in Antiquity
Molten Color: Glassmaking in Antiquity
Daily through July 24, 2006

Museum, Floor 2, Getty Villa

This exhibition celebrates the acquisition of the Oppenländer collection of ancient glass, and will be among the first exhibitions to mark the opening of the Getty Villa. The Oppenländer collection is remarkable for its high quality and its chronological breadth, covering all periods of ancient glass production. The objects are arranged by their method of manufacture, from casting and core-forming to inflation, and in-gallery videos will illustrate ancient glassmaking techniques.

 Learn more about this exhibition
The Getty Center Los Angeles The Getty Villa Malibu