Getty This Week

WEEKLY STAFF NEWS | 06.14.2021




Main Parking (NEP) Closed Next Monday

Most levels of the Main Parking Garage will be closed 7 a.m.-3 p.m. on Monday, June 21, in preparation to power up new electric vehicle charging equipment. Staff working at the Getty Center on June 21 will be directed to the Top of Hill Parking Garage.

Library Curbside Service

The next Getty Library Curbside Service is June 22–24. Beginning today, you can make an appointment in Reservio, our self-scheduling reservation system, to pick up items that you requested from May 13–June 16, or to return items that you have at home. Instructions for making an appointment are in the Getty Library Curbside Service appointment information and Reservio instructions document attached. Curbside service dates and related information are also listed on the Getty Library at Home guide’s Circulation Curbside Service page.

Please note that curbside service hours are now 10 a.m.-2 p.m., with five-minute appointment times. Please park at the designated location and walk over to the labeled book cart on the sidewalk to pick up your books.

Take advantage of the June curbside service to return books that you have at home, to ease your transition to working back on site.


Attached is the latest DEAI Progress Report, which is provided to all Getty staff and Trustees on a regular basis. This progress report lists milestones, dates, and responsible parties for each strategy and goal of the DEAI Plan, and was shared with Trustees yesterday.


Welcome Getty Marrow Interns

This is the first week for the 2021 class of Getty Marrow interns. This summer’s class of 23 undergraduates will work remotely in positions across the entire Getty and participate in virtual programming with other interns across Los Angeles County as part of this large internship program administered annually by the Foundation. Get to know your new colleagues through the attached Intern Introduction Sheet and join us in wishing each intern a summer filled with professional growth, new connections, and insights about working in museums and the visual arts.



All-Staff Update June 15

Getty staff, docents, and volunteers are invited to join an all-staff update (agenda attached) on Tuesday, June 15, at 10:30 a.m. Pacific time via Zoom webinar. Please use this Zoom link to join the meeting, or see attached for dial-in instructions. This link is intended for current Getty staff, docents, and volunteers only—please do not share this link. Spanish interpretation will be available; instructions will be shared at the start of the meeting. A recording of the update will be posted on GO for those who can’t attend.

Human Heritage: Preserving Palmyra, Petra, and Hatra

The ancient histories of Palmyra (Syria), Petra (Jordan), and Hatra (Iraq) tell a story of cultural exchange; their citizens shared trade routes, built comparable monuments, and worshiped common local and regional gods. These cities' universal value has been recognized by local and global communities, but protecting and preserving their remnants as a shared human heritage remains a significant challenge. Co-hosted in Arabic and English by the Getty Research Institute and the American Center of Research in Jordan, this program brings together archeologists from these regions to gain insights on the future of these once vibrant cities and efforts toward their preservation. Register in advance for this online event, held June 16, 10-11:30 a.m.

Airtable Training

Airtable is a spreadsheet-database hybrid application. Getty Digital is offering two training sessions to help you learn more. Join us for Airtable Basics on June 16, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Already familiar with Airtable? Sign up for the Airtable Best Practices Campfire on June 30, 2-3 p.m. to share and learn from other colleagues using Airtable at the Getty. To register, please email Getty Digital Training.


Getty Anniversaries This Week

10 Years

  • Susanna Brown, Public Programs, Villa
  • Nicole Urquidi, Visitor Services

15 Years

  • Jane Mandel, Library Services, GRI

25 Years

  • Cesar Nevarez, Warehouse Stores

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