Getty This Week



JONES Team is Facilitating Listening Forums and Learning Sessions in August and September

See the attached for a full list and Survey Monkey links to register. You will receive a confirmation email and Outlook appointment from when you are confirmed for a particular workshop. We look forward to our upcoming and continuing work with JONES.

Reporting Workplace Concerns

This is a reminder that staff can anonymously report any workplace concern, including DEI-related issues. For DEI issues, you can report incidents here; a link is also posted on GO under Diversity and Inclusion. For non-DEI issues, report incidents here; a link is also posted on GO under HR > Employee Resources.

COVID-19 Survey Results

Thank you to the nearly 60 percent of Getty staff (836 individuals) who responded to the COVID-19 survey. The responses show that people have the information and support they need during this period, but are uncomfortable returning to work, especially if interacting with the public. See the attached results.

New Phone Service Coming to Getty

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a technology that allows you to make voice calls using an Internet connection instead of a traditional phone line. Getty is replacing traditional phone service with VoIP this fall. The advantages? VoIP enables you to make and receive calls through your Getty phone extension on a desk phone, computer, or mobile device, from virtually anywhere. In fact, you may not even want a desk phone onsite anymore. Utilizing the Internet for voice calls will lower Getty’s cost for local, long distance, and, in some cases, international calling. Getty Digital’s Telecommunications team will reach out to assess departments’ needs for desk phones and setup September through December 2020.

AQMD Rideshare Survey

Every year, the Getty is required by the Air Quality Management District (AQMD) to survey employees on their commute to work, and this year is no different, even though most staff are not actually commuting to work! This year’s survey week is August 3-7. Later this week, staff with Getty email will receive an email with a link to the commute survey, and staff without Getty email will receive a hard copy form to complete. If you have questions about how to fill out this year’s commute survey, please send them to your rideshare coordinator Hilary Martinez at

School Year Strategies Webinar

Health Advocate is hosting a free webinar on Thursday, August 6, for employees with children of all ages who are facing a wide range of challenges and emotions due to the uncertainty of the upcoming school year. The attached flyer includes additional information and the link to register for one of the sessions.



Welcome Getty Post-Baccs

Today is the first day for the inaugural class of the Getty Post-Baccalaureate Conservation Internship Program. This pilot program is designed to address the lack of cultural diversity in the field of conservation. Administered by the Foundation and operated in partnership with the Museum, GRI, and GCI, the program offers one-year paid internships to recent graduates of culturally diverse backgrounds in order to prepare them for postgraduate study in the conservation field. Interns will be placed in conservation studios across the Getty to gain pre-program training and have the chance to take prerequisite courses through Santa Monica College. The 2020 Getty Post-Baccalaureate Conservation Internship Program recipients are Cheyenne Caraway, Kiera Hammond, and Michelle Tenggara (see attached PDF for more information on each participant). While the program is starting with remote supervision, workplans and scheduling remain flexible given ongoing developments related to COVID-19.

Getty Museum Challenge Book

The #GettyMuseumChallenge morphed into a worldwide digital exhibition, with art re-creations popping up across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, blogs, news media, and lots of other places besides. By May there were already at least 100,000 re-creations, though it quickly became impossible to count. To honor and commemorate the challenge, Getty Publications gathered some of the most memorable re-creations into a book, called Off the Walls: Inspired Re-Creations of Iconic Artworks. It will be available this September for $14, in print and as an e-book. Getty Publications will donate all profits to the charity Artist Relief to support artists facing financial emergencies due to the coronavirus pandemic. The book contains 246 re-creations, selected by Getty editors who combed through social media for funny, beautiful, poignant, and adorable re-creations, and grouped them into insightful themes.

Summer 2020 Getty Magazine

The latest issue of Getty magazine is now out. Learn all about the Florentine Codex Initiative, the conservation plan for the archaeological site of Nea Paphos, and how a collection of nearly lost photographs by the Japanese Camera Pictorialists of California was assembled over the course of 35 years.



Use Your Phone to Display Art

Art Projector, an augmented reality feature available on the Google Arts & Culture app, allows you to (virtually) display and interact with paintings at home. With its newly launched video capabilities, you can record and share your own opinions and insights into the paintings with friends and family, creating a museum experience from your living room. Using Art Projector’s new video tool, Getty Museum paintings curator Anne Woollett projected Adriaen van de Venne’s A Jeu de Paume Before a Country Palace into her balcony and shared her insights into the history and details of the painting. Take a look, and learn how to use Art Projector to bring works of art into your home. Art Projector also recently added 16 artworks from Getty’s collection to the tool, joining dozens of works from other art museums around the world.



Creativity Begins at Home

We continue to hear from staff about creative things they are doing during the closure. Send your story to

  • Kathy Dunlop, Senior Budget Analyst, Facilities: “I participate in the Critical Mass carpool (named after an article about how much mass it takes to make a car turn over), which has been in existence since the mid-1990s. At the time of COVID-19 site closures, eight working and retired Critical Mass members set up a weekly Zoom chat to keep in touch and provide emotional support during lockdown. One of our group activities over the years is reading plays aloud. We would pick character names out of a hat so as to not fight over who would read which part. Last month, we chose to read, via Zoom, the 1940s radio version of Arsenic and Old Lace, complete with host, commercials, and sound effects. This time, parts were chosen via an internet algorithm app as many of us were vying to play ‘the sisters.’ Although the performance was recorded, as an active member of the carpool, I am sworn to the principal of ‘what happens in the carpool, stays in the carpool!’”


Getty Anniversaries This Week

Five Years

  • Betsy Werner Brand, Communications and Public Affairs, Museum
  • Zachary Rottman, Scholars Program, GRI

10 Years

  • Kim Richter, Director’s Office, GRI

15 Years

  • Stacey Rain Strickler, Imaging Services, Getty Digital
  • Johana Herrera, Imaging Services, Getty Digital

Comings and Goings

See how the Getty community is changing—and welcome new co-workers.

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