Explore Roman daily life with recipes featuring a sweet ancient ingredient, a makeover inspired by a mummy portrait, print-at-home board games, and a brand-new tabletop role-playing game based on the Odyssey.

Ancient Rome @Home was presented November 9 through 13, 2020 as a digital re-imagining of the Getty Villa's annual College Night event. Activities included live art talks with Getty experts and nightly trivia challenges. The schedule of live events is archived here for reference.

Chopped dates


Discover a delicious Roman treat made with dates and explore other ancient-inspired recipes.

Mummy Portrait of a Woman


Try these beauty trends inspired by our portrait of a woman from Roman Egypt, and learn other ancient style tips.

Attic Red-Figure Oinochoe. Featuring group playing a game.


Check out our selection of 2,000-year-old board and dice games.

Odyssey RPG logo

Odyssey Tabletop RPG

Be the first to try a new role-playing game based on Homer's epic.

Live Fun!

View the schedule of live activities presented November 9–13, 2020 here.

View Past Event Schedule

  • Friday the 13th

    • 11:00 am: Pazuzu the Demon
    • 1:00 pm: Lives of a Black Cat
    • 3:00 pm: Curses!
    • 7:00 pm: Trivia Challenge!

Questions? villaprograms@getty.edu

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