Want to Play an Ancient Game?

Enjoy learning some of the most famous board games of the ancient world!

Public chariot races, gladiatorial combats, and theatrical performances were infrequent outside the biggest cities of the Roman Empire. So in a pre-digital age, board games fulfilled the need for private entertainment. These games appealed to all ages and levels of society. Their popularity and usefulness are attested by the many boards scratched into public pavements and on the thresholds of buildings—wherever people waited and grew bored.

Download all the games here, or choose from our list below. You can download and print our paper boards, rules, dice, and game pieces, as needed.

Rota gameboard


This is a simple strategy game like Tic Tac Toe, without the risk of endless tie-games.

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Ludus Calculorum gameboard

Ludus Calculorum

This strategy game related to Gomoku and Connect-Four is a race to put five pieces in a row.

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Ludus Duodecim gameboard

Ludus Duodecim Scriptorum

The “Game of 12 Lines” is a chance-and-strategy game related to Backgammon. Best for those willing to invest some time.

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Tali and Tesserae gameboard

Tali & Tesserae

Knucklebones and dice fueled a Roman passion for gambling. They were used in board games and in games of chance and dexterity.

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Game of Ur gameboard

Game of Ur

This Mesopotamian strategy game is at least 4,600 years old. It’s not Roman, but we couldn’t resist sharing it.

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Game essentials

Coins, playing pieces from other games, dice, and online virtual dice rollers can also be used.

Want to learn more about other games and entertainments?

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