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European Drawings 3
European Drawings 3
Catalogue of the Collections
Nicholas Turner and Lee Hendrix with Carol Plazzotta

J. Paul Getty Museum
318 pages, 9 x 12 inches
17 color and 175 duotone illustrations
ISBN 978-0-89236-480-0
hardcover, $80.00  Order

"Beautifully printed and illustrated."
Art Book


The Getty Museum's collection of drawings was begun in 1981 with the purchase of a Rembrandt nude; it has since become one of the world's most important repositories of European works from the fifteenth through the nineteenth century.

This third volume of the catalogue of the drawings collection reproduces and describes 132 works acquired by the J. Paul Getty Museum since 1992, including the incomparable The Holy Family by Michelangelo. The text is organized first by national school, then by artist, with individual works arranged chronologically.

Nicholas Turner is curator of drawings and Lee Hendrix is associate curator of drawings at the J. Paul Getty Museum. Carol Plazzotta is a special assistant in the department of prints and drawings at the British Museum.

Price: $80.00  Order

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