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European Drawings 2
European Drawings 2
Catalogue of the Collections
George R. Goldner and Lee Hendrix with the assistance of Kelly Pask

J. Paul Getty Museum
362 pages, 9 x 12 inches
16 color and 173 duotone illustrations
ISBN 978-0-89236-219-6
hardcover, $80.00  Order

"The second volume of drawings in the J. Paul Getty Museum comes out four years after the first and is equally welcome."
Art Newspaper


The Getty Museum's collection of drawing was begun in 1981 with the purchase of a Rembrandt nude and has since become an important repository of European works from the fifteenth through the nineteenth century. As in the first volume (published in 1988 in English and Italian editions), the text is organized first by national school, then alphabetically by artist, with individual works arranged chronologically. For each drawing, the authors provide a discussion of the work's style, dating, iconography, and relationship to other works, as well as provenance and a complete bibliography.

Price: $80.00  Order

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