Museum Home Past Exhibitions Holy Image, Hallowed Ground: Icons from Sinai

November 14, 2006–March 4, 2007 at the Getty Center

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Browse reactions of other viewers below. These reactions were submitted to this site between November 7, 2006 and February 28, 2007. The site is now closed to new reactions. The opinions presented here may have been edited and do not reflect the opinions of the Getty.

Posted on 11/29/06 by Antonina Teeter, Savannah, Georgia
I bless God for granting us/you the ability to present such a moving exhibition as well as its monastic context. Orthodoxy truly is the U.S.'s "best kept secret." Thank you for a wonderful online exposition! I too wish it were possible for the exhibit to come to the East Coast!

Posted on 11/27/06 by Michael Issa, Rhode Island
This exhibit is truly a worthy endeavor. These icons are treasures and victorious testaments of the Christian faith. People should be aware of this and should support the Monastery of St. Catherine in any way they can. Father Justin is a righteous man and his work is of the upmost importance. I sincerely thank you for this exhibit for it is a very noble cause.

Posted on 11/25/06 by Mary Kookootsedes, Midland, Michigan
I am Greek Orthodox and I think your presentation is wonderful. I will be visiting my daughter who lives in California and plan to visit the exhibit. Thank you for your Web site.

Posted on 11/21/06 by Julia Bravo, Los Angeles
I was so excited to find out about this exhibition as it brings back so many wonderful memories of my trip to Sinai. Not only is St. Catherine's a remarkable place to visit, but the church history it contains is truly an inspiration. I couldn't help but be moved by the solemnity of this place and will always think of my visit as the trip of a lifetime. Thank you for bringing this exhibition to the Getty.

Posted on 11/21/06 by Letecia Layson, Ojai, CA USA
What a wonderful resource you have created online. I have ordered a copy of the DVD for my mother, who will not be able to visit the museum. Thank you for the wonderful programs and materials you have created. And for what appears to be a beautiful exhibit.

Posted on 11/20/06 by Rose Thames, Pensacola, FL
I had the privilege of visiting St. Catherine's for three days in 2003. One can only stand in awe of the many ancient books in the library and the beautiful, sacred icons. The people on the west coast are truly fortunate to be able to view these. I only wish the exhibit could be viewed throughout the country. Orthodoxy is a treasure house of Christianity, but so little is known of it outside the realm of higher learning and the Orthodox Christians themselves. Thank you.

Posted on 11/20/06 by Ruthie Munk, Lansing, Michigan
Thank you very much for your lovely and very respectful presentation of the icons. Our Greek Orthodox Church here in Lansing is completing a massive iconography project, and it is really cool to be able to see, if only online, some of the oldest iconography in the world as I watch the installation of some of the newest. Thank you for making this presentation available.

Posted on 11/19/06 by Georgette K. Palassis, United States
Very moving and emotional journey into the life at the Monastery of Saint Catherine. I was especially moved by the interaction with the three monotheistic faiths...This is what the entire world needs to learn.

Posted on 11/19/06 by Miriam Kotsonis, Basking Ridge, New Jersey
I feel very grateful to have found out about this Web site. More than art alone, these precious icons offer a window into a personal relationship between each one of us and Jesus, the Theotokos, and all the saints. From all of us who live too far away to see the exhibit, thank you for bringing it closer to us!

Posted on 11/15/06 by David Green, Fairfield, CT, US
This is a remarkably beautiful and powerful presentation of the icons and of their context in the Monastery of St Catherine's. The video and audio presentations work very well—I only regret that the viewing screen is not larger.

Posted on 11/15/06 by Frank Johnson, Winter Park (Orlando), Florida
I wish these icons would also be shown somewhere in the eastern half of the USA before being returned to Mount Sinai. It is a long way from Florida to California, and I doubt that I can make that trip to see these icons. Please pass my interest and concern on to the Orthodox clergy and monks who brought the icons to this country.

Posted on 11/15/06 by Mary Prevo, Farmville, VA
A great introduction to the material, but I would like to know how big the icons are. Please make dimensions or relative scale available. It would be a great help to better understanding the images. Thank you.

Posted on 11/13/06 by Lorena Olazabal, Peru
It's a great pleasure for me and many other people to see these treasures. We have a lot of things to learn about the culture and the religion of other countries. Yours is of great importance for the knowledge of cultural wealth, and makes us do something for the preservation and conservation of these art pieces and others from our own countries. Thank you for your valuable work.

Posted on 11/13/06 by Ionikios Sloan, Arlington, Washington
Thank you for the time, effort, and expense for such a beautiful exhibition. Our knowledge of the Eastern Christian history is quite lacking in this country and it is a joy to see these types of works done to the glory of God and His Church.

Posted on 11/13/06 by C Kost, Pebble Beach, CA
Orthodox Christianity is so rarely a subject of inquiry in the U.S. Thank you for this sensitive and beautiful portrayal of the dedication of Orthodox Christianity to the preservation of tradition.

Posted on 11/13/06 by Stepheny Antrobus, Washington State
This is beautiful and well done. I wish so badly I could attend this exhibit. So few people truly understand the historic Christian church and its role in history. Thank you so much for sharing this with not only your local residents, but also for sharing some of it on the Web. I would be exteamly greatful if you could create a virtual tour with audio explinations. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Posted on 11/12/06 by Billie Jo Daniels-Breault, DeLand, FL
I teach AP Art History at a public school in central Florida. Frequently, I look for ways to illustrate how art reaches across centuries and borders. Tomorrow, we begin our chapter on Byzantine art; the article I read today on the exhibit in the NY Times will be an excellent introduction. Our future generations must learn that icons are not solely works of art from art history textbooks. More importantly, they have a liturgical purpose in their day and age. What a wonderful gift to the people of Los Angeles!

Posted on 11/12/06 by Amy, Springfield, Oregon
I love icons, want to learn more about them, and am grateful for the depth you have gone into. I wish I could come see it, and so I appreciate your site.

Posted on 11/12/06 by denis labonge, newport coast, ca
It speaks volumes that the three monotheistic religions of the world find common ground here. If only this peace could find its way around the globe. Terrific photography, hope to see it in person one day.

Posted on 11/12/06 by Byron Stevens, Pebble Beach, CA
Holy Image, Hallowed Ground: Icons from Sinai is a well-designed and enticing introduction to what must be a stunning and educational exhibition. I look forward to making a trip down to the Getty to see the exhibit in person.

Posted on 11/12/06 by (Dr.) Richard L. Mani, Belvedere, California
How rare and transporting to be able to see and hear the spiritual descendants of the ancient Byzantine culture. My soul was touched in a very special way by the visuals and the commentaries of the monks. I thank you.

Posted on 11/12/06 by Georgia Larson, Pleasant Hill, CA
This video brings back emotional and wonderful memories of my visit to Sinai several years ago. The highlight was experiencing sunrise on Sinai, as well as the opportunity to tour The Holy Monastery of Saint Catherine. I am delighted to know that the Getty Center is offering this exhibit, and will make plans to visit.
Many thanks for making a complimentary copy of the Icons From Sinai video available also.

Posted on 11/11/06 by Diane Peifer, San Bernardino
When I first saw the announcing article last June, I just knew that this was/should be bigger than "King Tut." The collection that is being brought to the Getty will probably never be seen again en masse outside of Sinai. I am so pleased that we will get this once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the icons, menologia, priest's raiments and illuminations from so ancient and holy a place.

Posted on 11/11/06 by David Del Polito, Nutley, NJ
Thank you for this display of video and audio. It was wonderful to see these pictures and hear the monks talking, chanting and singing. It was wonderful! God Bless You!

Posted on 11/10/06 by Anastasia Kalivas, Glendale, CA
Your Web presentation of the Holy Image, Hallowed Ground exhibition is outstanding! The zoom detail is incredible and everything fits on my screen perfectly. The online audio and video material really does this art justice by explaining the worship context in which the icons were created and still exist today. Thank you!

Posted on 11/07/06 by C. Ferring, Marina Del Rey, CA
Thank you for putting this cultural gem on the map. The icons themselves both as art objects and as ancient artifacts still used in religious ritual, the vitality of the active monastery and the special character of the place in which St. Catherine's exists are all captured nicely in this presentation. I especially like the video about life at the monastery.