III. Roman-Period Clay Lamps / Types from both Western and Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire / Augustan and Imperial Lamps

Loeschcke type I variants

146 bis

Here are grouped five lamps with either a triangular nozzle without volutes, such as cat. 143, which cannot be classified as Loeschcke type I, for that type is always voluted; or with shoulder-volutes, such as cats. 144–46 bis, whose nozzle tips are angular and not rounded or ogival and therefore cannot be classified as Loeschcke type V. Nor can these five be attributed to Loeschcke type II: cat. 143 because of its handle, the four others because of their shoulder-volutes. To avoid multiplying typological categories, this catalogue will follow Bailey, who, in BM III, sorts several examples identical to cats. 144 and 145 under the heading “Loeschcke type I var.,” a nonexisting division in the Vindonissa catalogue. The type of cat. 146 has been identified in Bussière 2000 as type C I 2, but for the reason just given, this catalogue will list it as Loeschcke type I var. The chronology attributed to Bussière type C I 2 (end of first century to first third of second century A.D.) takes into account the presence, on African lamps of this type, of the signatures CCLOSVC, LMADIEC, MVNTREPT, all workshops active A.D. 80/90–140. For a discussion of the much-debated type Bussière C I, see Bussière 2000, pp. 77–78.

With its transverse pierced handle and the shape of its nozzle, cat. 143 is identical to Bailey BM II, Q 1149, a lamp that, despite the absence of birds’ heads (even stylized), Bailey considers an early example of his type M group i: Late Vogelkopflampen, dated Flavian to Hadrianic period.

Cats. 144 and 145 correspond to Szentléleky 1969, no. 90; Hayes 1980, no. 375; Bailey BM III, Q 1899, Q 2000, pl. 33; and Hübinger 1993, no. 258. Three of these lamps have Egyptian place of manufacture or origin, are signed PHOETASPI, and date to the end of the first or the early second century A.D.

Banner image: Detail of cat. 143