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Clemencia Vernaza, Claudia Cancino y Leslie Rainer

En colaboración con Rotney Abrill Ugarte, Humberto Gutiérrez Palomino, Hugo Germán Rivera Rossell y Luis Villacorta Santamato, 2018

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This publication encompasses the methodology designed by the Dirección Desconcentrada de Cultura of Cusco (DDC-C) and the Getty Conservation Institute for the stabilization and protection of the wall paintings of the church Santiago Apóstol de Kuñotambo prior to the start of the retrofitting of the site.

The methodology includes the description and condition survey of the wall paintings, their significance, as well as a proposal for their stabilization and protection. The latter includes the formulation and testing to select appropriate earthen grouts to reattach and consolidate the decorated surfaces in situ, as well as the design of a protection frame to put in place during construction.

Of significant value to conservators working in seismic areas of Latin America, this publication was compiled as part of the Seismic Retrofitting Project, which combines traditional construction techniques and materials with advanced methodologies to design and test easy-to-implement seismic retrofitting techniques and maintenance programs to improve the structural performance of earthen historic buildings in Peru and other countries in Latin America.

How to Cite this Work

Vernaza, Clemencia, Claudia Cancino, and Leslie Rainer. 2018. Proyecto de Estabilización Sismorresistente: Informe sobre el análisis de condiciones, diagnóstico y pruebas de protección para las pinturas murales–Templo Santiago Apóstol de Kuñotambo. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute.