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ID: 901002482
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Record Type: Character/Person

Mitra (Vedic deity)

Note: In the pantheon of Vedic Hinduism, son of Kaśyapa by his wife Aditi; one of the gods in the category of Adityas, sons of sovereign principles of the universe. He represents friendship, integrity, harmony, and all else that is important in the successful maintenance of order in human existence. He is usually paired with the god Varuna, the guardian of the cosmic order, whose powers he complements as guardian of the human order. As spirit of the day, he is sometimes depicted with solar characteristics. His Iranian counterpart is Mithra, who eventually came to be worshipped as the god of one of the great mystery religions, Mithraism.

Mitra (Vedic deity) (preferred,English-P,D,N)

Hierarchical Position:
Legend, Religion, Mythology (P)
....<Hindu iconography> (P)
........<Hindu characters> (P)
............Dvādaśādityas (Hindu deities) (P)
................Mitra (Vedic deity) (G)
Related Iconography:
counterpart is .... Mithras
..........(Legend, Religion, Mythology, Persian iconography, Persian characters, Mithras (Indo-Iranian deity)) [901000679]
paired with .... Varuna
..........(Legend, Religion, Mythology, Hindu iconography, Hindu characters, Varuna (Hindu deity)) [901002119]

Other Relationships:
.... deity
.....(people in religion, people in religion and related occupations, people in the humanities, people by occupation, people (agents), People (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
culture/religion is .... Vedic Hinduism
.....(Hinduism, religions (belief systems, cultures), religions and religious concepts, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
deity of .... harmony (culture-related concept)
.....(culture-related concepts, culture and related concepts, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) (AAT)

Mitra (Vedic deity)
................Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2002-)
Iconography Record Sources:
................ Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2002-)

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