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ID: 901002341
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Record Type: Character/Person

Inari (Shinto character)

Note: Shinto deity of rice, fertility, and industry, particularly metalworkers and blacksmiths. Variously taking form as a man, woman, older man, or a white fox; in any form, Inari is usually depicted with foxes or fox spirits, serving as their messengers. The Japanese Buddhist goddess Dakiniten is based off of this deity.

Inari (Shinto character) (preferred,English-P,D,N)
Inari Ōkami (Shinto character) (English,U,N)
Ō-Inari (Shinto character) (English,U,N)
稲荷大神 (Shinto character) (English,U,N)
稲荷大神 (Shinto character) (Japanese,U,N)
大稲荷 (Shinto character) (English,U,N)
大稲荷 (Shinto character) (Japanese,U,N)

Hierarchical Position:
Legend, Religion, Mythology (P)
....<Shinto iconography> (P)
........<Shinto characters> (P)
............Inari (Shinto character) (I)
Related Iconography:
associated with .... Amaterasu
..........(Legend, Religion, Mythology, Shinto iconography, Shinto characters, Amaterasu (Shinto deity)) [901002533]
is basis of .... Dakiniten
..........(Legend, Religion, Mythology, Buddhist iconography, Buddhist characters, Dakiniten (Buddhist character)) [901002339]

Other Relationships:
role/characteristic is .... deity
.....(people in religion, people in religion and related occupations, people in the humanities, people by occupation, people (agents), People (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
culture/religion is .... Shinto
.....(religions (belief systems, cultures), religions and religious concepts, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
takes the form of .... foxes (animals)
.....(Canidae (family), Carnivora (order), Mammalia (class), Vertebrata (subphylum), Chordata (phylum), Animalia (kingdom), Eukaryota (domain), living organisms (entities), Living Organisms (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
deity of .... metal-worker
.....(people in crafts and trades by material, people in crafts and trades, people by occupation, people (agents), People (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
deity of .... rice (seed)
.....(seed (material), seed and seed components materials, plant material, biological material, materials by origin, materials (substances), Materials (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
affiliated/associated with .... gohei
.....(ceremonial objects, object genres by function, object genres (object classifications), Object Genres (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
affiliated/associated with .... shimenawa
.....(ceremonial objects, object genres by function, object genres (object classifications), Object Genres (hierarchy name)) (AAT)

Inari (Shinto character)
................Victoria and Albert Museum [online] (2010) "Inari," accessed 7 August 2020, "The Swordsmith on Mount Inari,"
................Minneapolis Institute of Art (MIA) [online] (2000-) "Inari," accessed 7 August 2020, "Dakiniten, the Buddhist Manifestation of the Shinto Deity Inari, late 14th century,"
................Metropolitan Museum of Art [online] (2001-) "Inari," accessed 7 August 2020, "Dakini,"
Inari Ōkami (Shinto character)
................Wikipedia (2000-) "Inari Ōkami," accessed 7 August 2020, "Inari Okami,"
Ō-Inari (Shinto character)
................Wikipedia (2000-) "Ō-Inari," accessed 7 August 2020, "Inari Okami,"
稲荷大神 (Shinto character)
................Wikipedia (2000-) "稲荷大神," accessed 7 August 2020, "Inari Okami,"
大稲荷 (Shinto character)
................Wikipedia (2000-) "大稲荷," accessed 7 August 2020, "Inari Okami,"
Iconography Record Sources:
................ Source for image ;accessed 7 August 2020
................ Minneapolis Institute of Art (MIA) [online] (2000-) accessed 7 August 2020, "Dakiniten, the Buddhist Manifestation of the Shinto Deity Inari, late 14th century,"
................ Victoria and Albert Museum [online] (2010) accessed 7 August 2020, "The Swordsmith on Mount Inari,"
................ Metropolitan Museum of Art [online] (2001-) accessed 7 August 2020, "Dakini,"
................ Seattle Art Museum [online] (2020) accessed 7 August 2020, "Inari Fox,"

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