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ID: 901002327
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Record Type: Character/Person

Gōzanze Myōō (Buddhist character)

Note: Japanese Buddhist deity, one of the Five Kings of Brightness (Godai Myo-o) who protect and uphold Buddhist law and practices. Usually depicted with three faces and eight arms, Gōzanze Myōō is also known as the "Conqueror of the Three Planes," referring to his role in keeping order over the world of form, the world of desire, and the world of formlessess (the four heavens).

Gōzanze Myōō (Buddhist character) (preferred,Japanese (transliterated)-P,D,N)
Gōzanze Myōō (Buddhist character) (English-P,D,N)
Gozanze Myo-o (Buddhist character) (English,U,N)
Gozanze Myo-o (Buddhist character) (Japanese (transliterated),U,N)
Gōzanze (Buddhist character) (Japanese (transliterated),U,N)
Gōzanze (Buddhist character) (English,U,N)
Trailokyavijaya (Buddhist character) (English,U,N)
Vajrahumkara (Buddhist character) (English,U,N)
降三世明王 (Buddhist character) (Chinese,U,N)
降三世明王 (Buddhist character) (English,U,N)

Hierarchical Position:
Legend, Religion, Mythology (P)
....<Buddhist iconography> (P)
........<Buddhist characters> (P)
............Gōzanze Myōō (Buddhist character) (I)
Related Iconography:
associated with .... Gundari Myōō
..........(Legend, Religion, Mythology, Buddhist iconography, Buddhist characters, Gundari Myōō (Buddhist character)) [901002329]
associated with .... Kongōyasha Myōō
..........(Legend, Religion, Mythology, Buddhist iconography, Buddhist characters, Kongōyasha Myōō (Buddhist character)) [901002330]
associated with .... Daiitoku Myōō
..........(Legend, Religion, Mythology, Buddhist iconography, Buddhist characters, Daiitoku Myōō (Buddhist character)) [901002331]
associated with .... Fudo Myo-o
..........(Legend, Religion, Mythology, Buddhist iconography, Buddhist characters, Fudo Myo-o (Buddhist character)) [901000066]
associated with .... Aizen Myōō
..........(Legend, Religion, Mythology, Buddhist iconography, Buddhist characters, Aizen Myōō (Buddhist character)) [901002326]

Other Relationships:
related to .... Kukai (Japanese monk, calligrapher, 774-835)
.....(Persons, Artists) (ULAN)
culture/religion is .... Japanese Buddhism
.....(Buddhism, religions (belief systems, cultures), religions and religious concepts, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
role/characteristic is .... deity
.....(people in religion, people in religion and related occupations, people in the humanities, people by occupation, people (agents), People (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
culture/religion is .... Shingon
.....(Japanese Buddhism, Buddhism, religions (belief systems, cultures), religions and religious concepts, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) (AAT)

Gōzanze Myōō (Buddhist character)
................Metropolitan Museum of Art [online] (2001-) "Gōzanze Myōō," accessed 10 July 2020, "Kings of Brightness in Japanese Esoteric Buddhist Art,"
................Minneapolis Institute of Art (MIA) [online] (2000-) "Gōzanze Myōō," accessed 10 July 2020, "Esoteric Buddhism and the Five Great Wisdom Kings,"
................Fowler, Accounts and Images of Six Kannon in Japan (2016) 163; accessed 10 July 2020
Gozanze Myo-o (Buddhist character)
................Art Institute of Chicago (2018-) "Gozanze Myo-o," accessed 10 July 2020, "Gozanze Myo-o,"
Gōzanze (Buddhist character)
................Nara National Museum [online] (2020-) "Gōzanze," accessed 10 July 2020, "Important Cultural Property, Five Great Myōō (Vidyārājas)"
Trailokyavijaya (Buddhist character)
................Nara National Museum [online] (2020-) "Trailokyavijaya," accessed 10 July 2020, "Important Cultural Property, Five Great Myōō (Vidyārājas)"
Vajrahumkara (Buddhist character)
................Metropolitan Museum of Art [online] (2001-) "Vajrahumkara," accessed 10 July 2020, "Mandala of Hannya Bosatsu,"
降三世明王 (Buddhist character)
................Wikipedia (2000-) "降三世明王," accessed 10 July 2020, "Trailokyavijaya,"
Iconography Record Sources:
................ Minneapolis Institute of Art (MIA) [online] (2000-) accessed 10 July 2020, "Esoteric Buddhism and the Five Great Wisdom Kings,"
................ Metropolitan Museum of Art [online] (2001-) accessed 10 July 2020, "Kings of Brightness in Japanese Esoteric Buddhist Art,"
................ Art Institute of Chicago (2018-) accessed 10 July 2020, "Gozanze Myo-o,"
................ Nara National Museum [online] (2020-) accessed 10 July 2020, "Important Cultural Property, Five Great Myōō (Vidyārājas)"
................ Fowler, Accounts and Images of Six Kannon in Japan (2016) 163; accessed 10 July 2020
................ Source for image,/0/default.jpg

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