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ID: 901001890
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Record Type: Character/Person

Shakapanga (Luba deity)

Note: Universal Creator of the Luba and Afro-Caribbean belief system.

Shakapanga (Luba deity) (preferred,English-P,D,N)
Shakpana (Luba deity) (English,U,N)
Shapkuana (Luba deity) (undetermined,U,N)
Babalú Ayé (Luba deity) (undetermined,U,N)
Babalú (Luba deity) (undetermined,U,N)
Babaluaye (Luba deity) (undetermined,U,N)
Asojuano (Luba deity) (undetermined,U,N)
Alifreté (Luba deity) (undetermined,U,N)
Afimayé (Luba deity) (undetermined,U,N)
Sokuta (Luba deity) (undetermined,U,N)
Lokuón (Luba deity) (undetermined,U,N)
Dokunambó (Luba deity) (undetermined,U,N)

Hierarchical Position:
Legend, Religion, Mythology (P)
....<African iconography> (P)
........<African characters> (P)
............Shakapanga (Luba deity) (I)
Other Relationships:
role/characteristic is .... deity
.....(people in religion, people in religion and related occupations, people in the humanities, people by occupation, people (agents), People (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
role/characteristic is .... creator god
.....(deities, people in religion, people in religion and related occupations, people in the humanities, people by occupation, people (agents), People (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
culture/religion is .... Afro-Caribbean (culture and style)
.....(Colonial African, African (general, continental cultures), styles, periods, and cultures by region, Styles and Periods (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
culture/religion is .... Luba (culture or style)
.....(Luba region styles, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo styles, Central African (cultural or regional style), African by cultural or regional designation, African (general, continental cultures), styles, periods, and cultures by region, Styles and Periods (hierarchy name)) (AAT)

Shakapanga (Luba deity)
................National Museum of African Art [online] (1999-)
................Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2002-) in "Luba," accessed 19 June 2017
Shakpana (Luba deity)
................Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-)
Shapkuana (Luba deity)
................Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-)
Babalú Ayé (Luba deity)
................Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-) no2015002060
Babalú (Luba deity)
................Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-)
Babaluaye (Luba deity)
................Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-)
Asojuano (Luba deity)
................Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-)
Alifreté (Luba deity)
................Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-)
Afimayé (Luba deity)
................Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-)
Sokuta (Luba deity)
................Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-)
Lokuón (Luba deity)
................Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-)
Dokunambó (Luba deity)
................Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-)
Iconography Record Sources:
................ National Museum of African Art [online] (1999-)
................ Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2002-) in "Luba," accessed 19 June 2017
................ Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-) no2015002060

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