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ID: 901001787
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Record Type: Character/Person

Illapu (Inca deity)

Note: Inca agricultural deity, god of rain, lightening, and weather; his temples were usually on high structures. In times of drought, pilgrimages were made to the temples and prayers were accompanied by sacrifices. Illapu’s shadow was in the Milky Way, from whence he drew the water that he poured down as rain.The people believed that Illapu’s shadow was in the Milky Way, from whence he drew the water that he poured down as rain.

Illapu (Inca deity) (preferred,English-P,D,N)
Illapa (Inca deity) (undetermined,U,N)
Apu Illapu (Inca deity) (undetermined,U,N)
Apocatequil (Inca deity) (undetermined,U,N)
Apotequil (Inca deity) (undetermined,U,N)

Hierarchical Position:
Legend, Religion, Mythology (P)
....<Amerindian iconography> (P)
........<Inca iconography> (P)
............<Inca characters> (P)
................Illapu (Inca deity) (I)
Other Relationships:
affiliated/associated with .... Term Not Found
..... AAT Candidate
role/characteristic is .... deity
.....(people in religion, people in religion and related occupations, people in the humanities, people by occupation, people (agents), People (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
culture/religion is .... Incan (culture, general)
.....(Late Intermediate Period, Pre-Columbian Andean styles and periods, Pre-Columbian South American styles and periods, Pre-Columbian (American), Americas, The, styles, periods, and cultures by region, Styles and Periods (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
affiliated/associated with .... rain
.....(precipitation, weather and related phenomena, earth sciences concepts, physical sciences concepts, scientific concepts, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
originated in .... Inca Empire
.....(South America) (TGN)

Illapu (Inca deity)
................Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2002-)
................Dumbarton Oaks online (2002-)
Illapa (Inca deity)
................Maya, Inca, Aztec online (2000-)
Apu Illapu (Inca deity)
................Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2002-)
Apocatequil (Inca deity)
................Maya, Inca, Aztec online (2000-)
Apotequil (Inca deity)
................Maya, Inca, Aztec online (2000-)
Iconography Record Sources:
................ Maya, Inca, Aztec online (2000-)
................ Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2002-) "Inca gods from the article pre-Columbian civilizations ," accessed 16 June 2017

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