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ID: 901001730
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Record Type: Event/Narrative

Spanish Conquest of Mexico (Mexican-Spanish history, 1519-1521)

Note: Beginning of Spanish colonization of Mexico, initiated by the arrival of Hernán Cortés in Tabasco, and the fall of the Aztec empire of Tenochtitlán.

Display Date: 1519-1521

Spanish Conquest of Mexico (Mexican-Spanish history, 1519-1521) (preferred,English-P,D,P)
Conquest of Mexico (Mexican-Spanish history, 1519-1521) (English,U,P)
Conquista de México (Mexican-Spanish history, 1519-1521) (Spanish,U,P)

Hierarchical Position:
Named Events (P)
....<North and South American history> (P)
........Mexican history (P)
............Spanish Conquest of Mexico (Mexican-Spanish history, 1519-1521) (P)
Other Relationships:
role/characteristic is .... conquest
.....(events (activities), Events (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
role/characteristic is .... colonization
.....(governmental functions, functions by specific context, functions (activities), Functions (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
participant was .... España
..... ULAN Candidate
located in .... México
..... ULAN Candidate

Spanish Conquest of Mexico (Mexican-Spanish history, 1519-1521)
................Knight, Mexico (2002) 9
................Hassig, Aztec Warfare (1988) 236
................Coerver et al., Mexico: An Encyclopedia (2004) 199
Conquest of Mexico (Mexican-Spanish history, 1519-1521)
................Prescott, History of the Conquest of Mexico (2001) 5
................Marrin, Aztecs and Spaniards (1986)
Conquista de México (Mexican-Spanish history, 1519-1521)
................López, Historia de la Conquista de México (1979)
................Galeano, Las venas abiertas de América Latina (2004) 29
Iconography Record Sources:
................ Library of Congress (2016-)
................ Hassig, Aztec Warfare (1988) 236

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