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ID: 901001647
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Record Type: Event/Narrative

Battle of Jutland (European history, 1916)

Note: The only major naval encounter between British and German fleets in World War I, fought in the Skagerrak, part of the North Sea off the coast of Jutland, Denmark.

Display Date: 1916

Battle of Jutland (European history, 1916) (preferred,English-P,D,P)
Battle of Skagerrak (European history, 1916) (English,U,P)

Hierarchical Position:
Named Events (P)
....<Global historical events> (P)
........World War I (global war, 1914-1918) (P)
............Battle of Jutland (European history, 1916) (P)
Other Relationships:
located in .... Jutland
..... ULAN Candidate
role/characteristic is .... battle
.....(armed conflicts, events (activities), Events (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
belligerent was .... Great Britain
..... ULAN Candidate
belligerent was .... Germany
..... ULAN Candidate

Battle of Jutland (European history, 1916)
................Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2002-)
Battle of Skagerrak (European history, 1916)
................Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2002-)
Iconography Record Sources:
................ Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2002-)

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