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ID: 901001201
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Record Type: Event/Narrative

Wedding at Cana (miracle, Christian iconography)

Note: Narrative surrounding a wedding attended by Jesus, in which, when the wine had run out and at the request for help from the Virgin Mary, he turns water into wine so that the feast may continue. The first public miracle of Christ, from John 2:1-11.

Wedding at Cana (miracle, Christian iconography) (preferred,English-P,D,P)
Marriage Feast at Cana (miracle, Christian iconography) (English,U,P)
Marriage at Cana (miracle, Christian iconography) (English,U,P)
Turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana (miracle, Christian iconography) (English,U,P)
Nozze di Cana (miracle, Christian iconography) (Italian-P,D,P)
Acqua mutata in vino da Cristo nelle noze de Cana (miracle, Christian iconography) (Italian,U,P)

Hierarchical Position:
Legend, Religion, Mythology (P)
....<Christian iconography> (P)
........<New Testament narratives> (P)
............Life of Jesus Christ (New Testament narrative) (I)
................Miracles of Christ (New Testament narrative) (P)
....................Wedding at Cana (miracle, Christian iconography) (P)
Related Iconography:
actor is .... Jesus Christ
..........(Legend, Religion, Mythology, Christian iconography, Christian characters, Jesus Christ (Christian character)) [901000087]
actor is .... Mary, Blessed Virgin
..........(Legend, Religion, Mythology, Christian iconography, Christian characters, Mary, Blessed Virgin (Christian character)) [901000032]
source is .... Bible, New Testament
..........(Literature and Performing Arts, Named written and performed works, Literary works: Philosophy, Religion, Bible (sacred literature, Judeo-Christian), Bible, New Testament (Biblical books, sacred texts)) [901000254]

Other Relationships:
topic is .... miracle
.....(events (activities), Events (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
topic is .... wedding (ceremony)
.....(rites of passage, cultural ceremonies, ceremonies, cultural events, events (activities), Events (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
topic is .... wine
.....(beverages, food, materials by function, materials (substances), Materials (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
topic is .... transubstantiation (doctrinal concept)
.....(Christian doctrinal concepts, doctrinal concepts, religious concepts, religions and religious concepts, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
culture/religion is .... Christianity
.....(Abrahamic religions, religions (belief systems, cultures), religions and religious concepts, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) (AAT)
located in .... Cana
..... ULAN Candidate
role/characteristic is .... narrative (literary works)
.....(genres for literature, genres in literature and performing arts, concepts in the arts and humanities, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) (AAT)

Wedding at Cana (miracle, Christian iconography)
................Catholic Encyclopedia [online], republished from 1913 edition (2003-)
Marriage Feast at Cana (miracle, Christian iconography)
................Iconclass Illustrated Edition (2022-)
Marriage at Cana (miracle, Christian iconography)
................Hermitage [online] (2000-)
Turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana (miracle, Christian iconography)
................Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-) sh 85081505
Nozze di Cana (miracle, Christian iconography)
................ICCD database (1988-)
Acqua mutata in vino da Cristo nelle noze de Cana (miracle, Christian iconography)
................British Museum [online] (1999-) inscription
Iconography Record Sources:
................ Iconclass Illustrated Edition (2022-) 73C611 the marriage-feast at Cana
................ Catholic Encyclopedia [online], republished from 1913 edition (2003-)
................ Hermitage [online] (2000-)
................ British Museum [online] (1999-)
................ Metropolitan Museum of Art [online] (2001-)
................ Source for image

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