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  Raphael. Leda and the Swan.. Royal Collection copyright 2000 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Raphael. Leda and the Swan, about 1507, black-chalk underdrawing, pen and iron-gall ink. Royal Collection ©2000 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The Role of Drawings in Raphael's Workshop

The methodical and often complex preparatory process that preceded each of Raphael's paintings is seldom evident in his finished works. They are all products of a careful evolution of the composition on paper. Drawings were Raphael's indispensable tools of investigation, and they reveal his persistent search for the most harmonious solution.

With unparalleled resourcefulness and confidence, he mastered every technique available to him: stylus, metalpoint, red and black chalk, pen and ink, and brush and wash. In addition, drawings served a vital communication function within the workshop and were the key to its efficient organization.