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  Raphael. The heads of Homer, Dante and another poet. Royal Collection copyright 2000 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Raphael. The heads of Homer, Dante and another poet, about 1509-10, pen and iron-gall ink. Royal Collection ©2000 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II


(Raffaello Sanzio, Italian, 1483-1520)

Raphael was one of the pivotal artists of the High Renaissance. Raphael and His Circle: Drawings from Windsor Castle, with works on loan from the Royal Library by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and the complementary exhibition Raphael and His Influence across the Centuries, offer a rare opportunity to view a selection of his works.

A remarkably versatile draftsman, Raphael was also one of the most influential artists of his era. His impact on succeeding generations is captured in the drawings of his most gifted workshop assistants and the work of painters ceaselessly drawn to Raphael's artworks throughout the centuries.