WebWise 2006Presented by OCLCPresented by the J. Paul Getty TrustPresented by the Institute of Museum and Library Services

Speaker Bios
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Speaker Biographies

Baca, Murtha
Murtha Baca holds a Ph.D. in Art History and Italian language and literature from the University of California, Los Angeles. She is Head of the Getty Standards and Vocabulary Programs, and oversees the creation of digital resources relating to the collections of the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles. Murtha has published extensively on data standards and controlled vocabularies for indexing and accessing cultural heritage information, especially with a view to providing end-user access to images and related data on line. In 2002 she edited Introduction to Art Image Access: Issues, Tools, Standards Strategies (Los Angeles: Getty Publications), and she is a member of the Visual Resources Association editorial team that is writing Cataloging Cultural Objects: A Guide to Describing Cultural Works and Their Images. Murtha has taught many workshops and seminars on metadata, visual resources cataloging, and thesaurus construction at museums, universities, and other organizations in North and South America and in Europe.

Bishoff, Liz
Liz Bishoff is Special Assistant to the Dean of Libraries and Head of the Office of Sponsored Programs, University of Colorado-Boulder. Previously she was Vice President for Digital Collection Services at OCLC, and former Executive Director of the Colorado Digitization Program. Liz has worked with libraries and museums in many states including Alabama, Kansas, North and South Carolina, Missouri, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, and Tennessee on various aspects of their collaborative digitization initiatives. Liz has led the development of collaborative best practices in metadata, including the Western States Metadata Dublin Core Best Practices.

Liz has extensive experience in public libraries. She was the principal librarian for Support Services at Pasadena (California) Public Library. Additionally she has been a public library director, school media specialist, and cataloger in her 35-year library career. She has taught in the graduate library programs at Dominican University and Emporia State University.

Liz is currently a member of the ALA Council and is a past ALA Treasurer and former member of the ALA Board. She holds an MLS from Rosary College, and has post-graduate work in public administration at Roosevelt University.

Buckland, Michael
Michael Buckland is Co-Director of the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative and Emeritus Professor of Information Management and Systems at the University of California, Berkeley. After degrees in History at Oxford and Librarianship at Sheffield University, he worked as a librarian in England and in the USA. Past positions include Dean of the School of Library and Information Studies at Berkeley and Assistant Vice President for Library Plans and Policies in the University of California systemwide administration. He has published extensively on library services and information management. His books include Library Service in Theory and Context (2nd ed., 1988), Information and Information Systems (Praeger, 1991), and Emanuel Goldberg and his Knowledge Machine (Libraries Unlimited, forthcoming). Prof. Buckland and his colleagues are engaged in a project entitled "Support for the Learner: What, Where, When, and Who," which seeks to show how existing and emerging standards can used to improve access to diverse materials and is supported by an IMLS National Leadership Grant for Libraries.

Cariani, Karen
Karen Cariani is the Director and founder of the WGBH Media Library. The WGBH Media Library provides access to the WGBH archives through research, rights clearance, and licensing services. Karen has over 20 years of production and project management experience at WGBH from working on numerous award winning historical documentaries, including MACARTHUR, ROCK AND ROLL, THE KENNEDYS, NIXON, and WAR AND PEACE IN THE NUCLEAR AGE. She has overseen the development of TEACHERS' DOMAIN, a muti-media digital library for K-12 classrooms, since it's inception, and served as project director for all collections awards. Karen is involved in the development and implementation of a digital asset management system at WGBH. She served two terms on the Board of Directors of AMIA (Association of Moving Image Archivists). She was also co-chair of the AMIA local television task force and project director of the guidebook: Local Television A Guide To Saving Our Heritage funded by NHPRC.

Chopra, Rohit
Rohit Chopra is a doctoral candidate at the Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts at Emory University and MetaScholar Fellow, Quality Metrics Project, Woodruff Library, Emory University. His research project analyzes the relationship between technology and nationalism in India from 1750 till the present, with a focus on expressions of nationalism among Indian communities on the internet. Related research interests include issues of methodology for analysis of internet communities, the history of technology in colonial and postcolonial India, identity politics in contemporary South Asia, and political economy of the global media. He has worked as project coordinator and web consultant for the Islam and Human Rights Fellowship Program and is project coordinator for the Future of Shari'ah project at the Center for the Study of Law and Religion, Emory Law School. As web consultant, he has conceptualized and developed, and continues to manage, the program website (www.law.emory.edu/IHR), a comprehensive resource on Islam and human rights. Prior to joining Emory, Rohit worked as an information architect in the Indian internet industry. He has also worked as a copy editor in an academic publishing house, Sage India, and as a freelance journalist for various print and online publications.

Chute, Mary L.
Mary L. Chute began serving as Acting Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services in July 2005, while continuing to serve as Deputy Director for Libraries, a position she has held since April 2002. As Deputy, Ms. Chute is in charge of the IMLS library programs, including the Grants to States program, the National Leadership Grants program, the Native American and Native Hawaiian Library Services programs, and the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program. She works with IMLS' Deputy Director for Museums, Dr. Schroeder Cherry, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Marsha Semmel, and the IMLS management team to partner with the library and museum communities to help meet the ever-changing needs of end users. Before joining IMLS, she held positions in Massachusetts, Maryland, and most recently in Delaware, where she was Director and State Librarian with the Delaware Division of Libraries. Ms. Chute earned master's degrees in art history from Boston University and library science from Simmons College, and a bachelor's degree in art history from the University of Michigan.

Courant, Paul N.
Paul N. Courant is Professor of Economics, Professor of Public Policy, and Faculty Associate in the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan. From 2002-2005 he served as Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs, the chief academic officer and the chief budget officer of the University, He has also served as the Associate Provost for Academic and Budgetary Affairs, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Chair of the Department of Economics and Director of the Institute of Public Policy Studies (which is now the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy). In 1979 and 1980 he was a Senior Staff Economist at the Council of Economic Advisers.

Courant has authored half a dozen books, and over sixty papers covering a broad range of topics in economics and public policy, including tax policy, local economic development, gender differences in pay, housing, radon and public health, relationships between economic growth and environmental policy, and university budgeting systems. More recently, he is studying the economics of universities, the economics of libraries and archives, and the changes in the system of scholarly communication that derive from new information technologies.

Paul Courant holds a BA in History from Swarthmore College (1968); an MA in Economics from Princeton University (1973); and a Ph.D. in Economics from Princeton University (1974).

Gherman, Paul M.
Since 1996, Paul M. Gherman has been University Librarian at the Jean and Alexander Heard Library at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. Prior to coming to Vanderbilt, he was Director of Libraries at Kenyon College in Gambier, OH and was previously University Librarian at Virginia Polytechnic and State University in Blacksburg. He has also held positions at Iowa State University, the Pennsylvania State University, and Wayne State University.

Mr. Gherman received his M.A.L.S. from the University of Michigan in 1971. He received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the School of Information at the University of Michigan in 1997.

He is currently President of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL), and is a member of the Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of SOLINET and of OCLC.

He is keenly interested in electronic publishing and scholarly communication and has been actively involved in this area for the last 15 years through writing, speaking and project development. He was also active in the creation of the Blacksburg Electronic Village, an early community-based telecommunications experiment in what we now know as the web. Recent project are ETANA.org, a comprehensive website for the Study of the Ancient Near East, The Vanderbilt Television News Archive http://tvnews.vanderbilt.edu that holds 40,000 hours of video of all major network news broadcast from 1968 to present, and new pilot project to collect rare Ugandan folk music.

Gilson, James R.
James Gilson oversees legal, insurance, and regulatory matters for the largest natural and cultural history museum in the western United States. In addition, on behalf of that museum he has overall administrative responsibility for the world famous La Brea tar pits site and its accompanying Page Museum.

As General Counsel since 1995, James advises the Board of Trustees, President and other senior executives on a wide range of internal and external relationships. He has overseen numerous major projects for the Museum, including its national reaccreditation and the spin-off of the Petersen Automotive Museum as an independent museum. He has served on panels for the American Law Institute's annual "Problems of Museum Administration" conference and on the "Ask the General Counsel" panel at the American Association of Museums' annual meeting. As Administrator of the Page Museum at the La Brea Tar Pits, he coordinates all facilities, budget, guest relations, education, and research activities.

Previously, James worked for a Los Angeles County Supervisor, a Congressman, and federal agencies and was a partner in law firm of Tuttle and Taylor.

Gout, Monica
Monica Gout is a senior consultant with Creative Good and has many years of experience leading projects and business units to success. Creative Good's mission is focused on improving the user experience by understanding current and latent needs. The Creative Good "customer experience methodology" is a unique blend of strategy, marketing and usability, in which the user experience is viewed strictly in the context of the client's business.

Prior to Creative Good, Monica was Vice President of E-commerce at Gateway where she led both the consumer and professional Internet businesses, including merchandising, marketing, design and production.

At Gap, Inc. Monica was Vice President of Production for the 5 Gap brand websites (gap.com, gapkids.com, babygap.com, bananarepublic.com, oldnavy.com). She led the launch of several sites and focused on process and organization design before taking an operating role. Monica was responsible for digital asset management, product management, user experience, and design and operation of Gap's digital photo studio. She spent many years at The Gap in a series of management positions in finance, international communications and retail, including two years abroad as Gap Country Manager in Germany.

Monica holds a Bachelor's of Engineering in Industrial Engineering, and an MBA in International Management. She is based in San Diego, California.

Greenstein, Daniel
Daniel provides leadership to the California Digital Library and directs systemwide library planning initiatives, in consultation with the University Librarians and the Systemwide Library and Scholarly Information Advisory Committee (SLASIAC). Daniel joined the CDL in 2002. Previously, he was director of the Digital Library Federation (DLF), based in Washington, D.C. The DLF, a group of 28 leading research libraries (including Berkeley and the CDL), collaborates in the use of electronic information technologies to extend their member's collections and services.

His academic career has included appointments in Modern History at Glasgow University, where he was director of the Arts Faculty Computing Facility. He was also founding director of the Arts and Humanities Data Service of the United Kingdom, where he lead the development of a digital information service to support arts and humanities research and teaching in the U.K. Building on this success, he was named founding co-director of the U.K. Resource Discovery Network in 1998.

Education: After receiving the Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, Daniel was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Oxford University in 1989.

Halbert, Martin
Martin Halbert is Director for Digital Programs and Systems at Emory University. He is currently a principal investigator on the NSF-funded Ockham Project, on DLF's IMLS-funded work to research, design, and prototype a "second generation" OAI metadata search system, and on two Mellon-funded metadata harvesting initiative projects. He also serves as executive director of the MetaScholar Initiative, a consortium of thirty institutions working to aggregate metadata for scholarly portal services. Martin serves as the chair of the LOCKSS sub-committee on Institutional Access Integration, and has there studied issues of low-cost library server networks and associated integration issues. He has served as editor of several library publication projects, and currently supervises a university library division of sixteen professional staff.

Hamma, Kenneth
Kenneth Hamma is Executive Director for Digital Policy and Initiatives at the J. Paul Getty Trust in Los Angeles. He oversees the management of the Getty Trust website, as well as strategic planning for information management across Getty programs including the Museum, Research Institute, Conservation Institute and Foundation.

He currently serves as a member of the Joint Committee on Archives, Libraries and Museums sponsored by the SAA, ALA and AAM; Director of the Museum Domain Management Association, the sponsor of the museum TLD; Member of the User Advisory Board for Gallery Systems; and Member of the advisory board of the American Association of Museum's Nazi Era Provenance Internet Portal. Until 2003 he served as board member for the Art Museum Image Consortium, the Consortium for the Interchange of Museum Information, and the, National Initiative for Networked Cultural Heritage. He has also served as advisor to EU project Artiste and board member for EU project musEnic.

From 1996 to 2004, he was Assistant Director and from 1987 to 1996 Associate Curator of Antiquities at the Getty Museum.

Hart, Tim
Tim Hart is Head of Institutional Research at the J. Paul Getty Trust. Institutional Research captures qualitative depictions of organizational performance and impact, and researches and records the activities and administration of the Trust and its programs. Tim is working to build a retrospective data set for historical reporting that will assess the institution's performance by measuring against its mission.

Before joining the Getty Tim was a Product Manager at eToys, where he launched and managed eToys' hobby store. Prior to joining eToys Tim was a Community Manager at Yahoo/Geocities, one of the first personal Web site communities.

He has a Master's Degree from the University of San Francisco, and attended the University of California, Santa Barbara as an undergraduate. He spent five years teaching at universities in Kyoto, Japan.

Hillmann, Diane I.
Diane is currently Research Librarian at Cornell University Library (CUL), after five years as Director of Library Services and Operations at the National Science Digital Library (NSDL). During her nearly 29 years at CUL she functioned as a serials and funny formats cataloger and technical services administrator for the Law Library and the library system's authorities librarian and manager of catalog maintenance.

During her years in traditional libraries (before going over to the dark side of digital libraries) she was a liaison to MARBI from the American Association of Law Libraries and a full MARBI member representing LITA.

In 1995 she accepted an invitation to the first Dublin Core conference, and is now (after 10 peripatetic years on the Dublin Core World Tour) a member of the DC Usage Board and Advisory Board, Editor of "Using Dublin Core," co-chair of the DC Education Working Group, and administrator of AskDCMI.

June 2004, saw the release of "Metadata in Practice" by ALA Editions—from then on, her advice has consisted of three words: "Read the book!"

Hodson, Sara S.
Sara S. Hodson, also known as Sue, is the curator of literary manuscripts at The Huntington Library, where she oversees all British and American literary manuscripts from the Renaissance to the present.

She earned her B.A. (with honors) and M.A. degrees in English from Whittier College and her M.L.S. from UCLA. Sue has spoken widely on literary and archival topics, especially privacy and confidentiality, and her essays have appeared in such publications as The American Archivist, Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship, California History, and the Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook. Her most recent publication is "In Secret Kept, In Silence Sealed: Privacy in the Papers of Authors and Celebrities," published in Privacy & Confidentiality Perspectives: Archivists & Archival Records.

Sue is a Fellow of the Society of American Archivists and has also received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society of California Archivists.

Current projects include two books: Human Documents: The Photography of Jack London, and Four More Years: Presidential Editorial Cartoons by Paul Conrad. Sue's next exhibition for The Huntington, in 2008, will focus on African-Americans in the arts in Los Angeles, 1920-1950.

Hoffman, Jay
Jay Hoffman is the founder and CEO of Gallery Systems, a New York-based company that provides software and services to cultural organizations. As the architect of The Museum System (TMS), he has been working on the development, implementation and support of collections information systems for museums for more than 20 years. He served as board member for the Consortium of the Interchange of Museum Information (CIMI) and has participated in several working groups related to standards development and information sharing.

Holland, Doug
Doug Holland has been employed at the Missouri Botanical Garden since 1994 serving first in the horticulture division, followed by three years as an assistant in the herbarium, four years as Archivist and Historian and since 2004 as Director of the Library. His publications include the Guide to the Ewan Papers, published by the Missouri Botanical Garden Press in 1997 and as co-author on several biographical and scientific papers. He has been involved in the Garden's digitization projects since 1997. He is currently active in the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) initiative, the Research Library Group sponsored initiative for Resources Available in Natural History (RAVNs) and is on the Missouri State Library Digital Imaging Grant Review Committee.

Before coming to Missouri Botanical Garden, Doug worked at the Harvard Forest Research Station in Petersham, Massachusetts, and at Plimoth Plantation living-history museum in Plymouth, Massachusetts. He received his B.A. in History from the Colorado College in Colorado Springs, and his M.L.S. from the University of Missouri, Columbia.

Jordan, Jay
Jay Jordan became the fourth president in OCLC's 38-year history in May 1998. He came to OCLC after a 24-year career with Information Handling Services, an international publisher of databases, where he held a series of key positions in top management, including president of IHS Engineering.

Jay graduated from Colgate University and served as a U.S. Army officer in Germany. He has spent more than seven years living and working outside the United States.

Jay is a member of the board of trustees of the Columbus Museum of Art and Franklin University. He also serves on the Council of Advisors for the School of Information Studies of Florida State University, and the Board of Visitors of the School of Information and Library Science, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is a Fellow of the Standards Engineering Society.

Under Jay's leadership, OCLC has built a new technological platform, introduced new services, created a library advocacy program, and introduced new initiatives to make library holdings and libraries more visible on the open Web. The number of libraries in the OCLC cooperative has grown from 30,000 in 64 countries to more than 55,000 in 109 countries.

Lancaster, Lewis
Lewis Lancaster, a specialist in the canons of Buddhist texts, was the first student to complete the Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies at the University of Wisconsin. He taught at the University of California, Berkeley for 33 years, with five years as Chair. By means of a grant from the National Geographic Society, he and a group of students and faculty inventoried texts in monasteries among the Sherpa people in the Himalayas. He then began to research the problems of converting Buddhist texts from Pali and Chinese into computer format, which resulted in major CD ROM databases. That computer experience then led him to form an association of scholars called the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative, which is housed on the Berkeley campus and has a thousand affiliates worldwide. He is now President at University of the West in Rosemead, CA.

Lanzi, Elisa
Elisa Lanzi is an art information specialist working with visual collections, libraries, and museums. Her interests include metadata, standards, and digital imaging. Elisa is currently Director of the Imaging Center at Smith College, where she is involved in building digital collections and tools for teaching and learning. Prior to her position at Smith, she was a founding partner of Lanzi/Warren Associates. She worked with clients to help them develop best practices for cultural heritage documentation. Lanzi was manager of the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus and is the author of Introduction to Vocabularies: Enhancing Access to Cultural Heritage Information. As chair of the Visual Resources Association Data Standards Committee she initiated the VISION project, a collaborative demonstration database for visual resources material, and the VRA Core Categories, a descriptive standard for cataloging images. Currently she is an Editor for Cataloging Cultural Objects: A Guide to Describing Works and their Images, to be published by ALA this spring. Elisa is a Past-President of the Visual Resources Association and active in numerous professional organizations, where she has presented at national and international venues. Lanzi holds a degree in English/Art History and has an Masters in Library and Information Science from the University at Albany.

McCargar, Victoria
Victoria McCargar is a veteran journalist and digital archivist whose research focus is preservation of newspaper content in digital formats. She worked at the Los Angeles Times for more than 25 years in both journalism and access technology, participating in numerous innovative digitization projects in various media. She is currently researching archival practice in news organizations for InterPARES and was a member of the PREMIS committee developing metadata for long-term preservation. In addition to lecturing at UCLA, she also consults in the area of digital asset management systems, news vocabularies, metadata standards and digital preservation. She holds master's degrees in library and information science from UCLA and in science and medical reporting from the University of Missouri School of Journalism.

Milewicz, Liz
Liz Milewicz is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in the Institute of Liberal Arts at Emory University, where she is studying the culture of academic libraries. As a member of Woodruff Library's Digital Programs and Systems team, Liz has developed documentation for new metadata tools and curricular materials for OAI-implementation training sessions, and has surveyed Digital Library Federation institutions as part of her work for the DLF Aquifer project in an effort to determine how institutions assess the use of their digital collections and services and what they have determined about the ways scholars access and use digital resources.

Mitchell, Steve
Steve Mitchell is Project Director of the iVia (ivia.ucr.edu) and Data Fountains (datafountains.ucr.edu) Projects. Steve has close to fourteen years of Internet service provision experience in libraries and has been a science reference librarian for nineteen years. He has a B.A. in sociology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a M.L.I.S. from the University of California, Berkeley.

Moen, William E.
Dr. William Moen received his Ph.D. from Syracuse University and has been a faculty member at the School of Library and Information Sciences, University of North Texas, since 1996. He currently serves as the Interim Director of the Texas Center for Digital Knowledge, and Associate Professor in the School.

He teaches courses on the organization of information, metadata and networked information organization and retrieval, and Z39.50. His research program includes investigations related to: metadata utilization; organization of networked resources; distributed searching and networked information retrieval; interoperability testing; and the development and implementation of technical standards.

The U.S. federal Institute of Museum and Library Services has awarded Dr. Moen two National Leadership Grants. The first was for the Z39.50 Interoperability Testbed (Z-Interop) Project to conduct research on and develop methodologies for interoperability testing. The current grant is for the MARC Content Designation Utilization (MCDU) Project. The MCDU Project is an empirical investigation of catalogers' use of the MARC bibliographic format's content designation. Approximately 56 million MARC records from the OCLC WorldCat database are being analyzed as part of this research.

Dr. Moen was the recipient of the 2005 Frederick G. Kilgour Award for Research in Library and Information Technology.

Riley, Jenn
Jenn Riley is the Metadata Librarian with the Digital Library Program at Indiana University-Bloomington, where she is responsible for planning metadata strategy for digital library projects and participates in the collaborative design of digital library systems. Much of her recent effort has been working towards the cost-effective creation of "shareable" metadata, promoting re-use of descriptive metadata in new and unanticipated environments. She was a major contributor to the emerging metadata guidelines Best Practices for OAI Data Provider Implementations and Shareable Metadata and Digital Library Federation MODS Implementation Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Materials. Jenn's research interests also include the incorporation of thesaurus structures into search and browse systems, music digital libraries, and FRBR. Jenn is the author of the blog Inquiring Librarian, where her posts frequently center around improving intellectual access to library materials. In addition to an M.L.S from Indiana University, she holds a B.M. in Music Education from the University of Miami (FL) and an M.A. in Musicology from Indiana University.

Shreeves, Sarah
Sarah Shreeves is the Coordinator for the Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship (IDEALS), the institutional repository at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). She has been active in the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) and Shareable Metadata Best Practices Working Group, a joint initiative between the Digital Library Federation (DLF) and the National Science Digital Library to establish best practices for OAI data provider implementations and metadata interoperability. Sarah's last position was as the Project Coordinator for the National Leadership Grant funded IMLS Digital Collections and Content Project (DCC) based at the UIUC. Her experience with shareable metadata and the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting is grounded in both the IMLS DCC project and the Mellon funded OAI Metadata Harvesting Project (2001-2002) at UIUC where she worked as a graduate assistant and project coordinator. Prior to coming to UIUC, Sarah worked for nine years in the MIT Libraries in Boston. She has a BA in Medieval Studies from Bryn Mawr College, an MA in Children's Literature from Simmons College, and an MS in Library and Information Science from UIUC.

Skinner, Katherine
Dr. Katherine Skinner is the Digital Programs Team Leader for the Emory University General Libraries. She has managed and coordinated numerous digital library projects over the last five years, including the AmericanSouth project, a subject-based portal project with a dual focus: to cultivate digital scholarship and to improve interoperability of digital library systems using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) (http://americansouth.org); the Music of Social Change project, which developed a collaborative model and software tools to facilitate library-museum collaborations using the OAI-PMH and also created an Internet exhibit of rare materials related to music and the African American freedom struggle (http://metascholar.org/MOSC/); the MetaArchive for Southern Culture and History program, which is establishing a cooperative model and distributed preservation network infrastructure (based on the open source LOCKSS software) for the long-term preservation of digital content (http://metaarchive.org); and the Quality Metrics project, which is experimentally assessing user reactions to digital library search engines that employ different retrieval algorithms and quality metric weightings (http://metascholar.org/qm/). She is also a founder and the Managing Editor of Southern Spaces, a pioneering peer-reviewed, open access Internet journal and scholarly forum (http://southernspaces.org).

Vizine-Goetz, Diane
Diane Vizine-Goetz is a research scientist at OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. She joined OCLC in 1983 as a post-doctoral fellow to continue research on database quality she began as a doctoral student. Since then, she has conducted research on the application and use of controlled vocabularies and contributed to the development of Dewey classifier tools and classification-based browsing interfaces (DeweyBrowser).

She is currently lead researcher on the Terminology Services research project. In this project, OCLC researchers are using Web services to provide access to controlled vocabularies for libraries, museums, and archives to create consistent metadata for their collections.

Diane is also a member of the OCLC team conducting research involving the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) model. The FictionFinder prototype is one result of this effort. The prototype system provides access to 2.5+ million bibliographic records for fiction that are clustered at the work level. In the prototype, records are indexed at the work level and displays are organized by work and expression.

Walter, Katherine L.
Katherine L. Walter co-directs the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL)'s Center for Digital Research in the Humanities and is chair of Digital Initiatives & Special Collections (DISC) in the UNL Libraries. From 2002-2005, Walter was co-principal investigator of the a project funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to create an integrated guide to the dispersed poetry manuscripts of Walt Whitman using EAD, XML, and XSLT. She currently co-directs an IMLS-funded project entitled Interoperability of Metadata for Thematic Research Collections. The Center for Digital Research in the Humanities is known for digital initiatives such as the NEH-funded Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition and the Willa Cather Archive. For details about the Center and its projects, see http://cdrh.unl.edu.

Weibel, Stuart L.
Stuart Weibel has been in the OCLC Research since 1985, and in that time he has managed projects in automated cataloging, document structure analysis, electronic publishing, and persistent identifiers.

Dr. Weibel has been an active participant in Internet standards development including work in the Internet Engineering Task Force on Uniform Resource Identifiers and metadata. He was also a founding member of the International World Wide Web Conference Committee.

From 1995 to 2004, he was convener of the Dublin Core Metadata series of international workshops and conferences and helped to establish the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) as an open, international, consensus building organization focused on development of cross-disciplinary metadata standards for the Web.

Dr. Weibel is a visiting scholar at the University of Washington iSchool for calendar year 2006.

Whalen, Maureen
Maureen Whalen is the Associate General Counsel for the J. Paul Getty Trust where she is a transactional lawyer responsible for Intellectual Property matters including licensing rights, acquisition of rights, and rights clearances. Ms. Whalen also works closely with MuseDoma, the Sponsoring Organization for the .museum top-level domain. Prior to joining the Trust, Whalen spent more than twenty years in the cable television industry, including twelve years at The Walt Disney Company, initially at the Disney Channel and, later, at Disney TeleVentures, which developed new broadband applications for television. Ms. Whalen also worked for the U.S. Department of State, Group W Cable, and Comcast Corporation. She received her undergraduate and law degrees from the State University of New York at Buffalo.

White, Layna
Layna White is Head of Collections Information and Access at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Her department is responsible for managing advancement of the Museum's collections management system; creating and maintaining visual documentation for works of art; managing inquiries related to intellectual property; and fostering information sharing about the Museum's collection. Prior to SFMOMA, Layna was Collections Information Manager at the Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts at UCLA, where she was involved in cataloguing museum objects and integrating collections management needs with on-site and on-line public access.

She is a member of the Museums and the Online Archives Collaboration (MOAC)—a group investigating cross-community standards, digitization tools and workflows, and use of digital content by different audiences. She is also an advisory committee member for Cataloguing Cultural Objects—a cross-community standard for describing, cataloguing, and documenting cultural objects and their images. Degrees in art history and library and information science complement her interest in museum practices for description, as well as meeting pluralistic and changing needs for access to and use of digital content.

Witchey, Holly
Holly Witchey is Manager of New Media Initiatives at the Cleveland Museum of Art. She has a Ph.D. in European Art. After seven years as Associate Curator of European Art at the San Diego Museum of Art, San Diego, California, Witchey began a new career developing content-rich projects for museums using new technologies.

She has been project director and content provider for in-house systems, multi-media special exhibition interactives, and museum web sites. In addition to advocating for better project planning at museums, Witchey writes and speaks about museum ethics, accessibility, and scholarly issues that have arisen as a result of the use of new technologies in museum settings. She is the author of several books and numerous articles. Most recently she co-authored a chapter in Digital Applications for Cultural and Heritage Institutions (Ashgate Press, 2005).

She is currently the chair of the American Association of Standing Professional Committee for Media & Technology, a member of the board of directors of MCN (Museum Computer Network), and an appointed member of CALM (the joint national committee for Archives, Libraries, and Museums).