Abstrakt/konkret, 1, 1944: title page (Bulletin der Galerie des Eaux Vives, Z$04urich) colophon (Galerie des Eaux Vives, Seefeldstrasse 48, Z$04urich 8)
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Allianz, 1983: page 7-8 (Hansegger opened gallery in Z$04urich in 1942 under name "Galerie des Eaux-Vives"; for several years it was center of activity for members of the Allianz group, who also contributed to the gallery's bulletin, Abstrakt/konkret, issued 1944-1945; gallery closed in 1947)
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DNB: Oxford National Biography [online] (2004-) (access point: Galerie des Eaux Vives (Z$04urich))
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GRIL NACO contribution (n.d.)
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Library of Congress Authorities online (2002-) http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2014003178 | | | |