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ID: 1000842
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Record Type: administrative
Hierarchy of Distrito Capital (national district)  Distrito Capital (national district)

Lat: 10 28 35 N  degrees minutes   Lat: 10.4760  decimal degrees
Long: 066 59 00 W  degrees minutes   Long: -66.9830  decimal degrees

Distrito Capital (preferred,C,V,O,Spanish)
Caracas (C,V)
Capital District (C,U)
Caipital Destrict (C,U,Scots)
Ĉefurba distrikto de Venezuelo (C,U,Esperanto)
Distretto Capitale (C,U,Italian)
District capitale de Caracas (C,U,French)
Districto Capital (C,U,Aragonese)
Distrikti i Kryeqytetit (C,U,Albanian)
Distrito Capital han Venezuela (C,U,Waray (Philippines))
Distrito Kapital (C,U,Ladino)
Hoofdstedelijk District (C,U,Dutch)
Venesuelos sostinės apygarda (C,U,Lithuanian)
Venezuela Başkent Bölgesi (C,U,Turkish)
Venezuelas huvudstadsdistrikt (C,U,Swedish)
首都地区 (C,U,Japanese)
Федеральный округ Венесуэлы (C,U,Russian)
수도 지구 (C,U,Korean)
מחוז הבירה של ונצואלה (C,U,Hebrew )
ვენესუელის ფედერალური ოლქი (C,U,Georgian)
دارالحکومت ضلع (C,U,Urdu)
首都區 (C,U,Chinese)
Distrito Federal (H,V,English)
Distrito Federal (Spanish)
Distrito Federal (Portuguese)
Federal District (H,V,English)

Hierarchical Position:
Hierarchy of World (facet)    World (facet)
Hierarchy of South America (continent)  ....  South America (continent) (P)
Hierarchy of Venezuela (nation)  ........  Venezuela (nation) (P)
Hierarchy of Distrito Capital (national district)  ............  Distrito Capital (national district) (P)

Place Types:
national district (preferred, C)
first level subdivision (C)

Sources and Contributors:
首都地区..........  [VP]
...........  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
Федеральный округ Венесуэлы..........  [VP]
...............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
수도 지구..........  [VP]
..............  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
מחוז הבירה של ונצואלה..........  [VP]
......................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
ვენესუელის ფედერალური ოლქი..........  [VP]
...............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
دارالحکومت ضلع..........  [VP]
.............................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
首都區..........  [VP]
...........  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
Caipital Destrict..........  [VP]
................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
Capital District..........  [VP]
.............................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
.............................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-) -944462
Caracas..........  [VP]
.................  Cambridge World Gazetteer (1990) 688
Ĉefurba distrikto de Venezuelo..........  [VP]
.....................................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
Distretto Capitale..........  [VP]
...................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
District capitale de Caracas..........  [VP]
...............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
Districto Capital..........  [VP]
................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
Distrikti i Kryeqytetit..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
Distrito Capital..........  [VP]
.............................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
.............................  NGA, GEOnet Names Server (2008-) accessed 29 January 2014
.............................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-) -944462
Distrito Capital han Venezuela..........  [VP]
.....................................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
Distrito Federal..........  [VP Preferred]
.............................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
.............................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-) -944462
.............................  Rand McNally Atlas (1994) I-46
Distrito Kapital..........  [VP]
.............................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
Federal District..........  [VP]
.............................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
.............................  NGA, GEOnet Names Server (2008-) accessed 29 January 2014
.............................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-) -944462
Hoofdstedelijk District..........  [VP]
.........................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
VE25..........  [VP]
...........  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
Venesuelos sostinės apygarda..........  [VP]
...............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
Venezuela Başkent Bölgesi..........  [VP]
............................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
Venezuelas huvudstadsdistrikt..........  [VP]
..................................................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
Subject: .....  [VP]
..................  Cambridge World Gazetteer (1990) 688
..................  GeoNames online [n.d.] 3640847
..................  NGA, GEOnet Names Server (2008-) accessed 26 June 2019
..................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-) -944462
..................  Rand McNally Atlas (1994) I-46
..................  Wikipedia (2000-)


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