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ID: 7002820
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Record Type: administrative
Hierarchy of Girona (province)  Girona (province)

Lat: 42 10 00 N  degrees minutes   Lat: 42.1660  decimal degrees
Long: 002 40 00 E  degrees minutes   Long: 2.6660  decimal degrees

Note: The most northeastern Spanish province, its northern bordering country is France with the Pyrenees mountains. The province of Girona was established in 1883 from parts of Catalonia. The northern area of Girona contains forests of oak, pine, and chestnut. Linen and cotton textiles are produced in the provincial capital of Gerona.

Girona (preferred,C,V)
Gerona (C,V)
Girona province (C,O,display)
Provincia de Girona (NA,V)
Gerona, Provincia de (NA,V)
Girona, Provincia de (NA,V)
Provincia de Gerona (NA,V)

Hierarchical Position:
Hierarchy of World (facet)    World (facet)
Hierarchy of Europe (continent)  ....  Europe (continent) (P)
Hierarchy of España (nation)  ........  España (nation) (P)
Hierarchy of Cataluña (autonomous community)  ............  Cataluña (autonomous community) (P)
Hierarchy of Girona (province)  ................  Girona (province) (P)

Place Types:
province (preferred, C)  ............  created from sections of Catalonia in 1883
second level subdivision (C)

Sources and Contributors:
Gerona..........  [BHA, GRLPSC, VP]
.................  Cambridge World Gazetteer (1990) 610
.................  Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer (1961)
.................  Encyclopaedia Britannica (1988) V, 221
.................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
.................  Times Atlas of the World (1994) Plate 73
.................  USBGN: Foreign Gazetteers
Gerona, Provincia de..........  [VP]
...................................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
Girona..........  [VP Preferred]
.................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
.................  Spain, Provincias (2000) accessed 11/08/2000
Girona province..........  [VP]
.............................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
Girona, Provincia de..........  [VP]
...................................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
Provincia de Gerona..........  [VP]
...................................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
Provincia de Girona..........  [VP]
...................................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
Subject: .....  [BHA, GRLPSC, VP]
..................  Cambridge World Gazetteer (1990) 610
..................  Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer (1961)
..................  Encyclopaedia Britannica (1988) V, 221
..................  Getty Vocabulary Program rules
..................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-) -383957
..................  Spain, Provincias (2000) accessed 11/08/2000
..................  Times Atlas of the World (1994) Plate 73
..................  USBGN: Foreign Gazetteers
English .......... [VP]
..........  Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2002-2014) accessed 2 June 2003


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