Dear Getty community,

I am writing to share with you some good news—for the first time since our closure in mid-March, some categories of employees will begin returning to our work sites next week.  This marks the beginning of Phase Two of our Roadmap for Reopening.  This is an encouraging first step for all of us.

Whether or not you are returning to the sites next week—and the vast majority of us remain working remotely—please read the detailed guidelines (at right) for employees returning to our sites.  The guidelines will apply to everyone who will eventually return to the Getty Villa, Getty Center, or our Valencia warehouse, as well as those who need to make one-time visits.

Phase Two of our plan anticipates that only about one-half of our workforce will return during the next few months. As long as public health restrictions are in force, we are not going to be able to work together in the same numbers, or at the same capacity, as before. The reopening of the Getty Center and Getty Villa to a limited number of visitors will not occur until Phase Three—most likely in late summer or early fall. A full return to normal operations, where all employees may return and all restrictions on public visits and programs are lifted, will not likely occur until after a vaccine is widely available, most likely in 2021.

When we are able to begin welcoming visitors again, it will be in greatly reduced numbers. At both the Getty Villa and Getty Center, we will need to limit attendance substantially below the historical daily average of visitors. We will be required to maintain social distancing in all of our public spaces—galleries, stores, cafés and the Center tram.  We may see other limitations required as the Public Health Department refines its thinking.

The health and safety of everyone at our sites will remain our highest priority.  The guidelines for employees on site are very detailed, to provide the greatest protection and to comply with state and county public health requirements. A team with broad representation from across Getty is working diligently to prepare for the eventual day we can open to the public, work which will include developing detailed guidelines for visitors.

As always, please send any questions you might have to  If you have questions about the status of your work location, please contact your supervisor. I want to thank our COVID-19 Task Force members for their extensive input on our guidelines.  And I want to thank all of you for your continued dedication to your work.  These have been challenging times, and you have done a stellar job of keeping us operational and fulfilling our mission. 

Steve Olsen
Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer