Dear Getty Community,

I write today with an update on the status of COVID-19 cases among employees and contractors working at our Getty sites.  As we have seen the spike of COVID cases through community spread in Los Angeles County and our region, we have been anticipating receiving more reports of positive cases within our own community. 

Between yesterday and today we received eight reports of positive COVID cases among people working on our sites, three at the Getty Villa and five at the Getty Center.  We have done immediate internal contact tracing, and Getty is immediately notifying any employee who may have been in close contact with one of the COVID-positive workers.  None of the eight affected people had fevers while at work. For privacy reasons, we are unable to provide additional detail. Because there are at least three cases at each site within a 14-day period, we are reporting the cases to the Los Angeles County Health Department per County protocol.

As a result of the increasing prevalence of COVID community spread in our region and the impact on our own community, we will be slowing and delaying the return of additional employees to our sites.  We also will be examining all of our current staffing schedules and we will closely monitor the situation over the next few weeks.  If you are working on site or scheduled to work on site, please contact your supervisor with any questions or concerns about your status.

We will continue with all of our workplace protocols and following County procedures, to keep everyone safe on our sites.  Our temperature monitoring stations are in place for employees and contractors to check their temperature before entering work.  We will continue to minimize close contact among employees on our sites. As a reminder of our requirements, the Getty return-to-work guidelines are attached. However, here are a couple of reminders regarding our protocol for working on site:

  • While working on our sites, cloth face coverings that cover the nose and mouth are required.  Recent public health directives advise that masks with valves are no longer considered efficient in preventing exposure to COVID-19.
    • If you wear a mask with a valve, you should cover that with a cloth covering.
  • If you have been traveling on an airplane or exposed to large groups of people, we ask that you also self-quarantine for two weeks before coming to work.  

A rise in cases at Getty was to be expected given the community spread situation in our area. We anticipate that there will be more COVID cases among Getty individuals in the future, and we will continue to closely follow our contact tracing and County health reporting protocols.
We thank you all for doing all you can to stay safe at home and at work. Please take care.

Steve Olsen
Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer