Dear Getty Community,

I am writing to address two recent announcements and the likely impact to our employees and our re-opening planning.  COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations continue to escalate in Los Angeles County and statewide. Yesterday, Gov. Newsom announced indefinite statewide closures for a number of businesses, including indoor museums. And the LA Unified School District announced that it will hold only online classes through the fall.

We do not have a specific timeline for reopening from either the state or county. However, we are anticipating that the requirement that indoor museums remain closed indefinitely will mean that our original August target dates for reopening Getty Villa and Getty Center to the public will be delayed.  As a result, we are re-examining our Phase 2b plans for employees who are responsible for supporting visitors to return to sites as soon as Monday. Please be in touch with your supervisor if you are an employee who was scheduled to return to work Monday, July 20.

While we will continue with our reopening planning and readiness for the eventual date we can again welcome visitors, I want to again emphasize that we will not reopen until it is safe to do so, and only with extensive health and safety and social distancing measures in place.  Your safety and well-being is our highest priority. 

It is important to note that even if we reopen to the public later this summer or fall, we will not be able to hold events or gatherings of any kind for the foreseeable future. This means there will be no museum group tours, no school groups, no conferences, no group meetings, no parties and no special events.  Any planning for events this fall and into next winter should be postponed. Public health officials have notified us that until a vaccine can be developed and distributed, we will not be able to hold group gatherings and social distancing will be required.

We also recognize that the school announcement is particularly concerning to many of our employees with children, who will need to continue to support their children learning from home.  We would like to hear from Getty parents about the challenges you are facing and your ideas as we continue to consider how we can further support you.  Please send your thoughts to

We understand that the COVID situation has been fluid and unpredictable for everyone.  Thank you for your continued dedication and flexibility under these unprecedented circumstances, and for your vigilance in adhering to health guidance at work and at home. When we have more certainty about timing, we will keep you informed.  Continue to pay close attention to the Monday THIS WEEK emails, as many details are shared there.

Stay well and stay safe,


Steve Olsen
Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer