Dear Colleagues,

We will continue to update you on news that affects the Getty community as we settle in to what will become the (temporary) new normal.  Here are some things you should know:

Permission to Come on Site – Staff who need to come on site for urgent reasons must obtain the permission of the department head or lead Program administrator, who will need to relay names to Security in advance.  Staff will also need to sign in and sign out. At the Villa, the sign-in log is located at the Lower Level Security Desk. At the Center, sign-in logs are located at Central Security Desk and the South Building Lobby Desk. Getty Security and Facilities staff who are scheduled to be on site do not need to sign in/out.

Food Service – There will be limited food service maintained at both the Getty Center and Villa for staff who are on site for Security and Facilities purposes.

Away Messages and Out-of-Office Notes – For staff who are working from home and answering emails and voice mails in real time, out-of-office messages are not necessary.  For others, a simple message might be in order: “I am working remotely during the Getty coronavirus COVID-19 closure.  I will continue to monitor my email and voicemail during regular business hours and I will respond soon.” 

Exploring Art while the Galleries are Closed – The Iris suggests ways you can enjoy and share the Getty experience, even while we’re closed:

Fill Your Ears with Art: The Art Newspaper is recommending the Recording Artists podcast for art lovers looking to pass the time:

Donating Blood: Yesterday’s THIS WEEK afternoon update email didn’t include the URL for donating blood to the Red Cross.  Apologies, here it is:

Stay well!  Remember that new information will always be posted on  Continue to address any questions to or call or email Human Resources at 310.440.6523 or