Dear Getty Community,

We've written to you many times over the past weeks and months, as we have sheltered in place and coped with the challenges of working from home under the uncertainty of the pandemic. We are now confronted with the shocking death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police, other violent acts, and the eruption of unrest across our region. We write today in the hope that you are all currently safe, even if you are experiencing the distress of this profoundly wrenching period. We recognize and understand the reasons for the sadness and anger that has flared in Los Angeles before, and is now being experienced across the nation.

Earlier today, we issued a public note on our Getty social media channels. If you didn't have a chance to see it, it says: "At this deeply disturbing time, our hearts go out to our beloved Los Angeles community and all those around the nation feeling the pain of this moment. We stand for equity and fairness, and we share your hope for justice and peace for all, and a spirit of caring for one another."

It is clear that now more than ever, we need to support each other and respect each other. There is so much we cannot resolve today, right now. But we do know that in our community, diversity is vital. Your voices matter and we have every intention of listening carefully. We still have much work to do, within our organization, in our communities and in our country.

Tomorrow, some additional categories of employees were scheduled to return to working at our sites. Given the unsettled and uncertain circumstances throughout the area, we are going to delay the implementation of our Phase 2a until at least Wednesday, June 3, to give us time to further assess the situation. Facilities and security staff will continue to report tomorrow as scheduled, but other employees who had planned to return to the sites for the first time will delay. We will let everyone know by Tuesday their status for the remainder of the week. We also know that others of you, many of you working from home, live in areas where violence has erupted over the last few days, and that you are understandably shaken by these events. Please be in touch with your supervisor about your individual situation.

We are grateful for all of you and for your dedication through such unforeseen challenges. And we are grateful for our meaningful work and our mission of sharing art and culture, which both calms us and unites us. These are increasingly difficult times, and we will get through them together. Please be safe and be careful.

Jim Cuno

Steve Olsen
Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer