Getty This Week





September 15 All-Staff Update Video on GO

The video recording of the September 15 All-Staff Webinar is now available on GO for staff to stream. For staff who do not have access to GO, the video is also available online through this link and password: GettyAllStaff0916.

DEI Plan Feedback Sessions

Staff is invited to share feedback on the DEI Plan that was discussed at the September 15 All-Staff Update, via two upcoming Zoom sessions. Participants can talk through their thoughts about the plan, such as how goals could be refined and prioritized and how to measure success. The feedback sessions will be on Wednesday, September 30, at 9 a.m. PST, and Thursday, October 1, at 9 a.m. PST. See attached for Zoom and dial-in information.

New ID Badge Design

The badging office is rolling out a new ID badge design for staff as well as non-staff groups like volunteers, docents, scholars, interns, and contractors, which aligns with the new Getty branding. The updated design will be used for new employees and to replace badges that are expiring, lost, etc., primarily for staff who are working onsite regularly. Others will be replaced when staff start returning to work onsite consistently. There will be two designs until all the old versions are phased out.

DEI Council Seeking New Members

As the work of the Council continues to grow, and with the recent departure of two Getty colleagues who were serving on the Council, the Council has decided to add four seats to its current membership. (The list of current DEI Council members may be found on GO, under Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion.) Please read the attached for more information regarding nominations. The deadline to submit nominations is October 12, 2020.

Getty Library Curbside Service

The next Getty Library Curbside Service will be September 29, 30, and October 1. If you requested library items for curbside service or want to return items that you have at home, please make sure to book your appointment in Reservio, the self-scheduling calendar. Please see the attached Getty Library Curbside Service instructions.

Matching Program for Educational Services for Children

Getty has created a matching program to help employees cover educational and other similar expenses for their children under the age of 18, during this time. Attached is a form for this purpose (which may also be found on GO under FAQs, Policies, and Other General Information) as well as ideas/suggestions for such services. Getty will pay up to 50% of the total cost and will match up to $1,000.

JONES Team Is Facilitating Additional Listening Forums and Learning Sessions in September, October, and November

The Listening Forums are designed to give staff the opportunity to learn more about the impact of systemic racism and join in a heartfelt discussion of the issues and actions sparked by the murder of Black people by police. See the attached for a full list and Survey Monkey links to register. You will receive a confirmation email and Outlook appointment from when you are confirmed for a particular workshop. We look forward to our upcoming and continuing work with JONES.

DEI Learning Resources

As suggested by the DEI Council, Task Force members, and Getty staff, Getty staff now have access to the myriad of resources collected by our partners at JONES Inclusive. The link to the resources may be found under Resources on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion page on GO.

Vanguard One-on-One Sessions Still Available

There are still a few spaces available this week for 30-minute one-on-one sessions with Vanguard to discuss your savings and investments in Getty’s 403(b) plan. All appointments will be held by phone. To request an appointment, email or leave a message at 310-440-6577. Appointments will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.

My Secure Advantage (MSA) Gift Card Incentive

Getty’s financial wellness partner, MSA, is offering an incentive to encourage Getty staff to engage in its free services. You will be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card for taking any or all of the following actions by October 9: 1. Create a budget in MSA’s Wallet for one entry, 2. Take the online Financial Assessment for one entry, and/or 3. Complete a Money Coaching session for two entries. Visit Getty’s MSA website to get started. If you have any questions, contact Human Resources at or 310-440-6523.

Fitness Center Survey

The Getty Fitness Center staff would like to know how to best serve your needs while you are working from home. This anonymous survey will help determine the types of exercise classes and other programs that would be most beneficial in supporting your fitness and wellness during this time. Thank you for participating and please reach out to if you have any questions. If you would like to view the Fitness Center's virtual class schedule to familiarize yourself with our offerings, please see the Getty HR webpage.

Election Day Reminders

As Election Day draws closer, many of us are looking for ways to make our voices heard. Although Getty as a private foundation cannot engage in voter registration or partisan political activity, each of us is free to do so in our personal capacities, and Getty encourages those who can to exercise their individual right to vote.

Getty offers staff paid time off to vote, if you cannot vote during non-work hours, and also paid time off to volunteer as an election worker if you so choose. In either case—taking time to vote, or volunteering as an election worker—remember to make advance arrangements with your supervisor. Please consult the Staff Handbook (page 42) or contact HR with any questions.

To find your polling place, or to learn more about voting by mail and opportunities to volunteer, visit the official website of the Los Angeles County Clerk at



Podcast: Beirut after the Explosion

On the evening of August 4, 2020, Beirut—the capital of Lebanon and one of the oldest cities in the world—experienced a devastating explosion, when more than two and a half tons of ammonium nitrate detonated at its port on the Mediterranean Sea. In this episode of the Art + Ideas podcast, Lebanese architect Fares el-Dahdah discusses the crisis in Beirut, the dangers facing people, communities, and buildings, and the innovative responses underway. El-Dahdah is a professor of architecture and director of the Humanities Research Center at Rice University, Houston, Texas. He is currently living in Beirut.



Creativity Begins at Home

While spending more time at home, staff have discovered fascinating ways to entertain themselves and give back to their communities. To share how you’ve been passing the time, email

  • Julie Rico, Docent: “I have been writing poetry, and I wrote an article on the work of Mexican artist Fran De Anda. The article was published in a Black-woman-owned (her name is M. Charlene Stevens) New York City online magazine called Arcade Project Zine.”
  • Paul Mullins, Associate Systems Administrator, Getty Digital: “I’ve been exploring and creating recipes for color-changing alcoholic drinks. I created video tutorials for my Striped Kentucky Mule and Purple Gin Sour, and the recipes are attached to this email. They’re both quite yummy, if I do say so myself.”

Getty Anniversaries This Week

15 Years

  • Jill Tenney, Library Services, GRI
  • Amy Meyers, Administration Department, GRI

20 Years

  • Erik Risser, Antiquities Conservation, Museum


Comings and Goings

See how the Getty community is changing—and welcome new co-workers.

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