Getty This Week

WEEKLY STAFF NEWS | 10.19.2020




Reminder: Free Flu Shots at Getty Center and Getty Villa This Week

Free flu shots are available this week for Getty, Uniserve, and Bon Appetit staff who are regularly scheduled to work on site on the dates below. If you would like to receive a flu shot, please notify your supervisor to schedule a time.

Getty Villa, VN 111/112
Tuesday, October 20, 10 a.m.–3 p.m.

Getty Center, GRI Lecture Hall
Wednesday, October 21, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.

If you are enrolled in Getty health insurance, please bring your member ID card for UnitedHealthcare or Aetna at the time of your flu shot. If you are not enrolled in Getty health insurance, you will still be able to receive your shot at no cost.

Masks must be worn at all times. Please maintain a distance of at least six feet from others, and do not arrive in groups with your colleagues. If you have questions, contact Human Resources at or 310-440-6523.

Supplemental Sick Leave (SCP)

As you know, as part of our response to the COVID-19 health crisis, Getty has been providing additional hours of sick pay to all full-time and part-time employees. Because of a new bill recently signed by Governor Newsom, the administration of those hours has changed slightly. Please read the attached for details concerning the use of SCP and Other Hours Paid (OHP).

DEI Project Administrator Selected

We are pleased to share that Chloe Medghalchi has agreed to serve as the DEI Project Administrator for the Getty DEI Council. Thank you to everyone who put their names forward to engage in this important work! The review committee of Anne Helmreich, Cathy Pericone, Antoine Rose, Nicole Urquidi, and Petrus Williams interviewed the candidates and indicated that it was a group of committed individuals and a challenging decision. Since 2017, Chloe has worked in a variety of temporary roles in the Museum and, most recently, as an Assistant Registrar in the Museum Registrar’s office. She begins her new role today, and will handle administrative tasks and logistics for the DEI Council, liaise with the JONES team, and collaborate with the Department/Program DEI Task Forces.

DEI Council Seeking New Members—Extended Deadline

The Council would like to add four seats to its current membership and has extended the deadline for self-nominations. Please read the attached for detailed information regarding nominations. The deadline to apply is Friday, October 23 (no late submissions will be accepted). If you are interested in learning who currently serves on the Council, see the list of current members on GO, under Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion.

Library Curbside Service

The next Getty Library Curbside Service is October 27-29.  Please see the attached Getty Library Curbside Service appointment information and instructions for making an appointment in Reservio, the self-scheduling calendar, to pick up the items that you previously requested or to drop off library items that you have at home.

Because of Thanksgiving, we are announcing the dates of the Getty Library Curbside Service for November now. They are November 17-19. All requests for library items made October 15-November 4 will be available for the November curbside service. Please see the attached Curbside Service instructions for November 2020 and FAQ about requesting library materials.

New Fitness Center Classes

The Fitness Center will be adding three new virtual classes, beginning Monday, October 26. You asked and we are adding Tuesday and Thursday morning sessions of “Rise and Flex,” a full-body strength and flexibility workout. On Thursday afternoons, “The Art of Core Reformation” will engage your core and improve your balance, and on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays, 15-minute “Express Stretch and Refresh” sessions will give you a quick break from your day to stretch and relax. As a reminder, all classes will be held on Zoom and will require a passcode to join. Please enter “GettyFit” (case sensitive).  Refer to the updated class schedule for class descriptions and times, posted on and on GO. Feel free to contact the Fitness Center at for more information about our new class offerings, fitness questions, one-on-one training, and more.

Earthquake Preparedness

Every year, we practice “Drop, Cover, and Hold On" and review our earthquake plans. This year is a little different as so many of us are now working from home; however, it is just as important to take a moment and practice what you would do in the event of an earthquake and to make sure your family’s plan and earthquake kits are updated:

  • If inside; stay inside. Crawl under a table or desk and “Drop, Cover and Hold On.” If you are unable to get under a table or desk, get against an interior wall, cover and hold on and watch for falling debris. If you are in bed, remain in bed, turn face down and cover your head and neck with a pillow.
  • If outside; move into an open area away from buildings and watch for falling debris.
  • When the shaking stops, check for injuries and structural damage. If the area is not safe, evacuate to a safe location. If the area appears safe, remain indoors (shelter in place). Prepare for aftershocks.


If you do not have an earthquake kit, now is the time to start putting one together. If you have one, use this week to double-check those emergency supplies. Due to COVID it’s important to now add some extra face coverings and hand sanitizer to your kit. Here is the link to the FEMA site on preparing for disasters, which includes links for supply kits, financial preparedness, and getting “tech ready.”

Consider downloading the Shake Alert LA app for your smartphone. Shake Alert is designed to give you advanced warning of an earthquake of greater than 4.5 magnitude intensity. The Shake Alert LA app can be downloaded from both the Apple App Store and Google Play.

For more information or to request a copy of the Getty’s Emergency Procedures staff handbook, contact Les Borsay (

Election Day Reminders

As Election Day draws closer, many of us are looking for ways to make our voices heard. Although Getty as a private foundation cannot engage in voter registration or partisan political activity, each of us is free to do so in our personal capacities, and Getty encourages those who can to exercise their individual right to vote.

Getty offers staff paid time off to vote, if you cannot vote during non-work hours, and also paid time off to volunteer as an election worker if you so choose. In either case—taking time to vote, or volunteering as an election worker—remember to make advance arrangements with your supervisor. Please consult the Staff Handbook (page 42) or contact HR with any questions.

To find your polling place, or to learn more about voting by mail and opportunities to volunteer, visit

Amazon Gift Card Winner

Congratulations to Erica Chang for winning a $100 Amazon gift card from My Secure Advantage (MSA), the Getty’s financial wellness partner. Erica created a budget in MSA’s Wallet, took the online Financial Assessment, and/or completed a free session with a Money Coach. This contest is over, but you may get started with MSA any time by visiting the MSA website. MSA is available for free to all full-time and part-time employees.



Dutch Drawings Acquisition

Last week the Museum announced a landmark acquisition of 39 Dutch drawings from a private collector, providing a stunning survey of the outstanding artists, styles, genres, and subjects in 17th-century art from the Netherlands. The group includes drawings by Rembrandt van Rijn, Jacob Ruisdael, Gerrit van Honthorst, and many other artists of the Golden Age of Dutch art. In addition, the acquisition includes a monumental early watercolor by Piet Mondrian, a panoramic landscape view made in 1901. Learn more and see the full list of the 39 drawings.



Getty Underground Guided Zoom Tours

Find out for yourself why docent Margaret Burnett said this about the (GU) Getty Underground 2020 Vision virtual staff exhibition and tours:

“Thank you for the tour today! What an amazing experience—I learned so much about how to navigate this incredible exhibit. I had no idea The Underground was going to be so extensive and detailed. Bravo!”

Next tour is Wednesday, October 21 at noon. GU tours are about 20-30 minutes and limited to 20 people so sign up now for a tour.  Based on interest, tours will continue to be scheduled during the run of the show. For more information, email Getty Underground.



Creativity Begins at Home

While spending more time at home, staff have discovered fascinating ways to entertain themselves and give back to their communities. To share how you’ve been passing the time, email Internal Communications.

  • Lisa Vasquez, Villa Bookstore Associate: “Back in late March, when I first heard that face masks were recommended to help the spread of Covid-19, I began sewing masks for family and friends. Soon after, everyone was required to wear face masks and hospitals were in desperate need of them. So I quickly started making masks to donate to my local hospital. Since then, I've sewn hundreds of masks, donating to several nonprofit organizations and charities. My biggest mask donation was to the Los Angeles nonprofit organization called Let's Give, to benefit farmworkers and undocumented families in Central California. I am incredibly lucky that most of the fabric I've been using has been donated. I'm trying to pay it forward by using my skills and free time to do something that can help others during these tough times.”
  • Marvin Jones, Audio Visual Specialist: “During quarantine, I've been working on recording a few songs. Here's my cover of "Sweet Thing" by Chaka Khan, recording using my Casio keyboard and Garage Band on my iPad. I hope you enjoy it.”
  • Patricia Manze, Docent: “I am not one to let down time go to waste, so I look at the past months as an opportunity to kick my philosophy of continual education into gear. I have gotten back into one-on-one French lessons (J'ai pour objective de bien parler francais avant de passer). I have been riding almost every day and am getting back to showing horses. I have achieved new mastery of challenging piano pieces. Plus I have added a UCLA art history course on the collection of the Louvre to my weekly Getty docent art sessions. And who could miss the John Walsh lectures on Rembrandt through the Hammer?! I admit lightening up on the docent hours has given me extra timeā€”and I miss the Center and my friends, but being forced to take a breath, and find inspiration in other ways during this time has helped me brush the dust off and brought on new achievements, which in the past I didn't have the time to work on. There is always a silver lining if you just look for it!”


There are no anniversaries this week.


Comings and Goings

See how the Getty community is changing—and welcome new co-workers.

From InternalCommunications |