Getty This Week




Coronavirus Update

Most employees should by now be well established to work from home as needed, thanks to the extraordinary efforts of the Getty Digital team over the past days. We will continue to provide daily updates as needed. Technical and other resources are available on GO; an abbreviated version is also on Keep in mind that Getty Digital staff are available to help with specific questions, at or 310-440-1199. And Human Resources staff are available to help with specific questions about your or your direct reports' particular situations, at 310.440.6523 or

Equipment and Supplies for Teleworking

To facilitate working from home, staff may retrieve Getty equipment and supplies from their office, including docking station, keyboard, mouse, and monitor(s). Do not attempt to bring home heavy or bulky items (e.g. chairs, sit-stand stations, computer towers, printers, copiers, or fax machines). You must request access to a Getty location through your designated representative, who will then notify Security the details of your arrival. Given the Safer at Home order last week, access to the site will be limited to circumstances that are extremely critical or time sensitive and that cannot be resolved by any means other than a visit to the site. The hours of access are limited to Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Staff may also, with the approval of their supervisors, purchase keyboards and mice for use with laptops. Please get permission from your supervisor before placing any orders. More information is available here.

Direct Deposit

For those employees who may not be enrolled in direct deposit, now is the time to enroll. You may complete this form, scan it, and send it to, or you can take a picture of the completed form and send it to If neither of those options work for you, please leave a message for Laura Dennis, the payroll manager, at 310-440-6594. She will return your call and take the information over the phone. We ask that those of you who supervise employees without email please help us by getting this information to them and encouraging those receiving a paper check to enroll.

Mail and Packages during the Closure

Special mail and package procedures have been developed while the sites are closed.

No New Hiring during the Closure

As you know, we've established that there will be no new hires beyond those who were already scheduled to begin working this week. In light of the order issued on March 19, we are reinforcing that ALL hiring is on hold until further notice. Also, individuals may not be hired as contractors with the intent of making them an employee when we are back to regular operations.

As you are interacting with candidates through this time, you could explain to your top candidate that they are your first choice but we have made the decision to postpone start dates for all open positions. This should not come as a surprise to anyone, especially those in California. At this time, we cannot anticipate when we will be able to resume the hiring process.

Internal promotions and status changes will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, considering whether the new position or change in status can meaningfully function in the current circumstance.

If you have questions concerning this, please contact Nancy Gibson

eAppraisal Open Now

HR has launched the eAppraisal process earlier than usual, to allow for timely completion of self-assessments and annual reviews while staff are working from home. eAppraisal opens today, Monday, March 23, and will remain open until June 1. You can access eAppraisal from any computer. A Getty computer or connection to the Getty network is not required to write your appraisals. Although the self-assessment and annual appraisal processes will not officially close until June 1, your supervisor and/or program administrator may ask you to complete your tasks before that date. Please consult with your supervisor regarding their specific expectations.

My Secure Advantage (MSA)

MSA is our new financial wellness partner from whom benefits-eligible employees may get free financial coaching. To help launch this program, MSA is offering an incentive for Getty employees to complete an online assessment, which helps them support you better. You must use Chrome (not Internet Explorer) to complete the assessment but you can do this from any computer. Anyone who completes it by April 15th will be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card from MSA.

MSA is offering a webinar on the financial Impacts of COVID-19 on March 27 at 9 a.m. and noon. Register here. Join us as we offer information and resources and answer your questions about working through the financial challenges you may face in the coming days and weeks. In this event, we will cover current announcements about legislation and take a deeper dive into retirement, investing, and rebalancing portfolios.

Live Vanguard Webinars

Vanguard will be offering a series of live webinars available to all Vanguard participants. The first, Volatile Market: Principles for Investing Success, will address current market conditions and reinforce sound investing principles. This will be available on Thursday, March 26, at both 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. and is also available in Spanish. Register here.


Foundation's Responses to COVID-19

Foundation staff are currently engaging in discussions with peers in philanthropy to see how they are responding to the impact of COVID-19 on their grantees. The Foundation is waiving current report requirements in order to free up their grantees to attend to their staff and other urgent priorities. The Foundation is also moving ahead with Pacific Standard Time. The first PST, which came on the heels of the great recession, provided a much-needed economic boost to local arts organizations, as well as a new model for working together. The first grants for research and planning will awarded by the Foundation in June.

Central Garden

Horticulturist Jackie Flor has set some changes in motion at the Central Garden, as she works to cultivate Robert Irwin's legacy. Don't miss the slideshow on @gettymuseum on Instagram.


Virtual Evening with Sidney Felsen

Make a date at your convenience to listen to the legendary print publisher talk with Jim Cuno about the artists he's worked with, from Robert Rauschenberg to Julie Mehretu, on the Art + Ideas podcast, available whenever you are.


Anniversaries this week

Five Years

  • Heather MacDonald, Grants Programming, Foundation

Comings and Goings

See how the Getty community is changing—and welcome new co-workers.

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