Getty This Week



Mark Your Calendars

The next Getty All-Staff meeting will be held via Zoom in Tuesday, June 16, at 10:30 a.m. The agenda has been changed to accommodate a Town Hall question and answer session regarding recent events around, race, equity and support for the Black community. The meeting will be held via Zoom and questions must be sent in advance. Staff are invited to submit questions to by end of the day Friday, June 12. The agenda and Zoom instructions are attached.

COVID-19 Survey Postponed

Staff perspectives are important to us, and we will invite staff to share feedback on their experiences at a later date.

Business Use of Personal Devices and Reimbursable Business Expenses

During the past several weeks, we have received questions about reimbursable expenses for a remote work environment. If your job requires the use of a personal cell phone, computer, printer, and/or internet access, we will provide a monthly stipend to offset those expenses. After reading the attached, if you have questions or need further clarification, please contact your manager.

Mental Health Support Available

We wanted to remind you that Health Advocate’s Employee Assistance Program is here to help support you and your family members. To learn more about mental health counselling, go to the Health Advocate website or call 866-799-2728. Mental health support can also be accessed through telemedicine with either Aetna or UnitedHealthcare. Please go to Getty HR and click on the telemedicine banner for additional details.


Jersey Heritage Uses GCI’s Arches Platform

In May, Jersey Heritage in the English Channel publicly launched its first national Historic Environment Record using the GCI’s Arches Platform. It showcases the Island’s rich diversity of heritage sites, ranging from historic buildings, landscapes, and battlefield sites, to historical maps, local folklore, and archaeological sites and finds. Among the site’s saved searches are such categories as Paleolithic Jersey; Forts and Towers; The German Occupation; Windmills and Watermills; and Jersey’s Railways. Short video guides for using the site are available on Vimeo.

Unshuttered Video Series Wins 10 Telly Awards

The Museum Education, Public Programs, and Interpretative Content (EPPIC) team won 10 Telly Awards—three Gold, six Silver, and one Bronze—for their 2019 videos for Unshuttered. The videos won in both creative and technical categories. These 10 new awards bring the total number of national media and education awards for Unshuttered to 25, including AAM MUSE Gold, Fast Company World Changing Idea, California Association of Museums Superintendent's Award, MuseWeb GLAMi, and Shorty Social Good Award. Enjoy one of the award-winning videos.


Stress Management Webinar

Join Lisa Zeigel and Pedro Mandujano, our partners at Health Fitness, for a free webinar on Monday, June 15, on navigating this stressful, challenging time. See the attached flier for information.

Bake Bread the Roman Way

While spending more time at home, many people are turning to baking to relieve stress and create delicious food. Try your hand at baking bread the way Romans did with this recipe published on the Iris, which is based on one by Cato the Elder, recorded in about 200 B.C. Enjoy your bread Roman-style with cheese, olives, figs, and honey—or any way you like!

Choosing the Museum’s Wall Colors

For last week’s #AskGetty video, one of our social media followers asked, "How do you decide on the wall painting for each gallery?" In the video, Getty Museum designer Alan Konishi explains the thoughtful process of choosing wall colors and how these enhance the gallery experience.

Volcanoes and the Course of Ancient History

Explosive volcanic eruptions are short-term drivers of climate change in Mediterranean history, a fact that has not been fully understood. By examining the sensitive annual flood of the Nile river, dependent on the East African Monsoon, historians can show the direct connection between eruptions and short term societal impacts, not only on eastern Mediterranean societies in antiquity, but globally as well. Join the webinar led by Getty scholar Joe Manning Wednesday, June 10, at 10 a.m.


Creativity Begins at Home

After nearly three months at home, staff continues to keep busy in unique ways. Email to share how you’ve been passing the time.

  • Cat Lukaszewski, Laboratory Coordinator, GCI Science: “I’ve been spending many of my Saturdays volunteering at the Food Program at St. Robert’s Center, which has been serving the low-income families and homeless population of Venice Beach and the Westside of Los Angeles for over 25 years. St. Robert’s is the sole safety net for many clients. Masked and gloved volunteers start making sandwiches and coffee and assembling bagged lunches and non-perishable goods early in the morning. We then spend several hours distributing these items to clients in the parking lot to facilitate social distancing. We often feed well over 100 hungry Angelenos! I am very grateful to have found this wonderful opportunity to give back to the community during this time.”
  • Erin Fussell, Library Assistant, GRI: “On January 1, 2020, I started a year-long postcard exchange project called "How's the weather here there?" to create an abstract record of the year given the significance of the turn of the decade, the fact that it's double dates (like 1919), and that we have a presidential election in November. Now that we're experiencing the addition of this unprecedented virus, the project has taken on a new significance and provided the sense of a larger community through the post while still physically social distancing. The project will be shared publicly next year. If you would like to participate, you can share a reflective note and receive one back. Describe your inner and/or outer landscape (open to interpretation) on a postcard and mail it to: Erin Fussell, P.O. Box 13414, Los Angeles, CA 90013. More info on my website.”
  • Sara Swallow, Visitor Service Associate: “My great-great-grandfather, at age 29, from upstate New York, volunteered to fight in the Civil War. He was a spy, and was assisted by freed slaves who helped him use their tunnels to accomplish his assignments. In my possession are his Civil War journal and his discharge paper signed by famous generals. I so appreciate this time to research family lines. Some exciting discoveries include a relative who landed in New Jersey in 1685 on a pilgrim ship from Scotland, and another family member who was a drummer in the Revolutionary War. One consistent theme is the huge size of the families: 7, 8, 10 children. Basically my immediate roots centered in Minnesota and Wisconsin where our families were granted homestead rights and became farmers and grocers.”

Anniversaries This Week

10 Years

  • Ron Matsushita, Mechanical, Facilities

15 Years

  • Jessica Fairley, Villa Museum Store Operations, Finance
  • Tuyet Bach, Interpretive Content, Museum

Comings and Goings

See how the Getty community is changing—and welcome new co-workers.

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