Getty This Week

WEEKLY STAFF NEWS | 01.25.2021




Reminder: COVID Safety and Vaccine Survey

We recently sent a survey to gather employee feedback on whether you are feeling safe and have the information you need, and to hear your current perspectives on the vaccine. The survey was sent by Mercer Sirota to all Getty email addresses on January 20 and will close on January 27. The email includes a personalized link to the survey. If you didn’t get it, please check your Clutter mailbox. The survey can be accessed and completed from any device.

New COVID-19 Law

Recently, California lawmakers passed AB 685, which requires employers to notify employees at a worksite of all potential exposures to COVID-19. This new law requires written notification that includes details regarding Getty’s safety plan, benefits to which employees may be entitled if they contract the coronavirus, and other information.

Getty has been doing thorough contact tracing since COVID began in early 2020, and is already notifying employees of potential exposure. The system we have in place has helped us maintain a safe working environment and relatively low positivity rate at Getty’s sites. This process for contacting those who were in close contact, as defined by the CDC, will continue.

In order to comply with AB 685, Getty has posted all the required information at If/when an employee needs to be notified of potential exposure, they will receive an email from that provides the date the person with COVID and/or COVID symptoms was last on site. The email will not include any information that could personally identify the source of the exposure. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to

Ancient Worlds Now

Given the critical priorities of implementing the Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion Plan, and responding to the impacts of the pandemic both at Getty and beyond, the Getty Board of Trustees and Jim Cuno have elected to wind down the overarching Ancient Worlds Now initiative. Projects that have already been launched as part of the initiative will continue, but no longer as part of a broader AWN effort.

Advancing global understanding of the vital role of the world’s ancient cultural heritage remains a Getty emphasis. However, since Getty first conceived of AWN several years ago and announced the 10-year effort in September 2019, other matters have risen in importance. 

Trustees at their January 10 meeting approved the Getty DEAI Plan for immediate action and implementation, and that effort is a significant and ongoing focus throughout the Trust and its programs. In addition, the negative impact of the pandemic on arts organizations locally and around the world has become of immediate urgency. Getty is dedicated to assisting artists and arts organizations, ensuring the safety of our staff, and planning for the eventual reopening of Getty museums and offices later this year.

The Trustees and Jim are grateful to the many staff who have been hard at work on numerous initiatives to protect ancient cultural heritage, and for their work on the many conservation, research, and exhibition projects that will continue. Available in Spanish

As a reminder, the Getty Human Resources website is now available in both Spanish and English. Users can select either language at the top of any page. also continues to be a public website that doesn’t require a log-in to access. We hope this makes HR and benefit documents easy to access for staff and their family members. Please email us at or call 310-440-6523 with any questions Ahora Está Disponible en Español

Como recordatorio, el sitio web de Recursos Humanos de Getty ahora está disponible en español e inglés. Los usuarios pueden seleccionar cualquier idioma en la parte superior de cualquier página. también sigue siendo un sitio web público que no requiere iniciar sesión para utilizar. Esperamos que esto facilite el acceso a los documentos de Recursos Humanos y beneficios para todo el personal, así como para sus familiares. Por favor envíenos un correo electrónico a o llame al 310-440-6523 si tiene alguna pregunta.

Accessing Brand Resources

Anyone who is creating materials that feature Getty branding, or is working with vendors or partners who are developing materials with Getty branding, can access the most up-to-date brand resources on Getty GO, under the Forms & Tools tab. There, you will find the Brand and Design Guide, logos, templates, e-letterhead, and email signature instructions and logo. Reach out to Maria Velez if you have any questions.



Welcome Winter Term Scholars

The Scholars Program is delighted to welcome the new Winter term Villa Scholars, Benjamin Porter and Denise Demetriou, as well as the new Winter term GCI Scholar, Pia Gottschaller. More information regarding their lectures will be sent in the coming weeks. We look forward to learning more about their research and hope you will join us in welcoming them to our Scholar cohort.

Update on Getty’s Food Initiatives

Los Angeles officials say that the rate of food insecurity has dramatically increased since COVID began. In that time, Getty has provided more than $315,000 in cash, food, and meal preparation labor to help meet the need in our community, translating to hundreds of thousands of meals. This support included a major holiday cash contribution to the LA Regional Food Bank, as well as months of support to the Midnight Mission feeding the homeless community in downtown Los Angeles over the summer while they refurbished their kitchens.


Empowered Balance

A new challenge combining Wellbeats fitness and nutrition classes with the Fitness Center's personalized motivation and support, begins Wednesday, January 27.  To sign up for the six-week program or for more information, contact

The Getty Sew & Sews

The Sew & Sews have launched their 2021 Quilt project, meeting twice monthly via zoom, to create the next Getty Winter Celebration raffle prize. If you are interested in joining the GSS, please contact Melissa Piper.


Getty Anniversaries This Week

10 Years

  • Lynn Lee, GCI Science


15 Years

  • Sara Swallow, Visitor Services
  • Jennifer Adam, Registrar, Museum
  • Mark Barbarino, Maintenance, Facilities

20 Years

  • Lenny Gonzales, HVAC, Facilities
  • Alfredo Tesoro, Mechanical, Facilities

Comings and Goings: January 1–15, 2021


  • Sydney Lopez, Publications Marketing, Pubs

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