Getty This Week





COVID Update

As we have seen in the past several days since Thanksgiving, there is a continued steep increase in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in Los Angeles County that has prompted new, more stringent public health directives. As of last Tuesday, five Getty employees have tested positive—two at the Villa, two at the Center, and one who worked at both locations. There is no indication any workers contracted COVID at work, but the cases do reflect the increase in our communities. We have increased the frequency of our on-site COVID testing, returning to a weekly requirement for all those working on our sites, and we continue to observe social distancing and cleaning protocols. Read the full message sent last week by Steve Olsen in the attached PDF.

Payroll Announcements

Due to the upcoming holidays, the timecard approval deadline for the pay period ending December 26, 2020, has been changed to Sunday, December 27, by 10 a.m. Please see the attached for details regarding this early approval.

The final check of 2020 will be December 31, 2020, and will not have any insurance benefit deductions taken. This is because we’ve had 27 paychecks this year. However, taxes, your 403(b)/Roth contribution, and/or Vanguard loan payments will be deducted. The attached document outlines information regarding payroll next year, including when to expect your 2020 W2 and how you might receive it earlier.

Library Curbside Service

The next Getty Library curbside service is December 15–17. Please see the attached curbside service appointment information and instructions to make a December appointment in Reservio to pick up the items that you requested from November 5 through December 2 and/or to drop off library items that you have at home.

The January 2021 curbside service will take place January 26–28. All requests for library items made from December 3 through January 13 will be available at this curbside service. Please see the attached instructions for January 2021 and FAQ about requesting library materials.

Getty OneConnect

From offsite, Getty OneConnect is the place to access GO, key Getty applications, and Getty OneID password changes (Pulse Secure not required). Ten new applications have been added, as well as the ability to change your Getty OneID password. Log in from any Internet-connected PC or Mac at Our old portal, WebConnect, is being phased out. Learn more in the attached illustration.

Getty Holiday Traditions

While we won’t be able to gather in person for our usual Getty holiday traditions, there are still many ways to connect with each other and support our local community during this festive time. See the attached PDF for information about the Holiday Food and Toy Drive, a winter Spotify playlist, recipes for sweet and savory holiday dishes, and more.

The Winter Virtual Photo Booth and Digital Mosaic have been extended until Wednesday, December 9. Get creative with virtual backgrounds, props, and even costumes. Include your household, pets, or quaranteam. Send your favorite photo to the Digital Mosaic and watch our Getty community come together.

Don’t forget to buy raffle tickets online for a chance to win a beautiful handmade quilt. Raffle proceeds go to Westside Food Bank and Sojourn Services.


Best Support Technician

Senior Technical Support Specialist Sabas Sanchez won the Los Angeles chapter of HDI’s annual Best Support Technician award. HDI is the leading events and services organization within the technical support and service management industry. Technical Support Specialist Moises Barahona was also nominated. Congratulations to both!

Mesopotamia: Tales from a Delayed Exhibition

Just days before Mesopotamia: Civilization Begins was set to open at the Getty Villa, both Getty sites were closed to the public due to the pandemic. Antiquities curators Sara E. Cole and Jens Daehner reflect on the work of the Villa exhibition team to bring ancient artworks to L.A. just before COVID forced us to close the museum, and share photos of the months-long process in the Iris article Mesopotamia: Tales from a Delayed Exhibition.

Explore 75 Years of Ebony Magazine

A new website from the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) explores the impact of Ebony and Jet magazines through an array of commanding photographs from the Johnson Publishing Company archive selected by GRI curator LeRonn Brooks and NMAAHC curator Aaron Bryant. The Johnson Publishing Company Archive was acquired in 2019 by a consortium of organizations, including Getty, with the goal of preserving, studying, and digitizing the archive to make it broadly accessible to the public. Learn more and check out a few of the featured photos.



Getty Underground 2020 Vision

Closing events continue for Getty Underground 2020 Vision.

  • “subText Open Mic Night”: Tuesday, December 8, 5 p.m.
    Getty creatives express their authored works live via Zoom and invite you to share your written words, too.
  • “Scavenger Hunt Tour: Golden Treasures Revealed”: Thursday, December 10, 12 p.m.
    Complete your ballot to win prizes from the Museum Store before this tell-tale tour of the virtual exhibition begins. You don’t have to play to join the revelry, all are welcome.

See a calendar of all Getty Underground closing events and learn how to participate in the festivities.

Save the Date: All-Staff Update January 12, 2021

Getty staff, docents, and volunteers are invited to join an all-staff update on Tuesday, January 12, at 10:30 a.m. via Zoom webinar. The webinar will include an update from the Board of Trustees and a report on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Imaginaries of LA Virtual Conversation

The first installment of the conversation series “Imaginaries of LA” brings together artist Edgar Arceneaux and art historian Julian Myers-Szupinska, who will discuss how archives, histories, and lived experiences impact the social and political production of urban space. The program will be moderated by Zanna Gilbert, senior research specialist at the GRI. “Imaginaries of LA” hosts conversations between Los Angeles-based artists and curators that explore the strategies artists use to represent the city, providing a forum for debate about its past, present, and future. Register in advance to join the Zoom on Thursday, December 10, from 5–6 p.m.


Getty Anniversaries This Week

Five Years

  • Jazmine Rodriguez, Security Operations
  • Amelia Wong, Digital Content Strategy, Trust Communications
  • Antoine Rose, Personnel and Admin Services, Museum
  • Daniel Amezcua, Mail Services, Facilities
  • Thomas Kilsheimer II, Security Operations

10 Years

  • Teresa Sproling, General Counsel’s Office

20 Years

  • Yevgeniy Tomilko, Cloud and Server Administration, Getty Digital

25 Years

  • Laura Dennis, AP and Payroll Services, Finance

35 Years

  • Patricia Harpring, Vocabulary Program, GRI


Comings and Goings

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