Getty This Week

WEEKLY STAFF NEWS | 12.14.2020




Limited Term Employment

Staff have raised concerns about Getty’s use of limited term employees (LTEs). This is a high-priority issue that affects all areas of Getty, and is currently being reviewed by Human Resources, in concert with Getty programs and departments. We hope to have more definitive information in the new year and to announce changes no later than March. In the meantime, we are sensitive to the fact that some current limited term contracts are set to expire, and programs and departments are working to address those in a timely manner.

Early Timecard Approval

Due to the upcoming holidays, the timecard approval deadline for the pay period ending December 26, 2020, has been changed to Sunday, December 27, by 10 a.m. Please see the attached for details regarding this early approval.

COVID Testing Locations

As of last week, one in 140 people in Los Angeles County is infected with COVID-19, and the testing positivity rate is 12 percent. For those who would like to get tested, see the attached list of available test sites in the US, California, and locally. As a reminder, COVID testing at Getty Center or Getty Villa is only available to those who are regularly working onsite.

Forgotten Password Help Is Here—Are You Ready?

Have you set up your forgotten password security answers for your Getty OneID? Getty Digital has enabled a Forgotten Password link on the login page of Getty OneConnect. If you set up your answers now, you’ll be ready in case you ever forget your password. With a simple click, you can provide a few answers, and reset the password. Take a moment, follow the attached steps, and make forgotten password hassles a thing of the past. And remember, you can now change your password using Self Service Password Reset in OneConnect on your Getty PC, Getty Mac, or personal computer.

Procurement Updates

Procurement and Contract Services has posted its December newsletter on GO, with year-end reminders, news, and resources. The newsletter is also attached.



Reminder: Annual Quilt Raffle Is Now Underway

Buy tickets online by 5 p.m. Thursday, December 17, for a chance to win a beautiful handmade quilt. Raffle proceeds go to Westside Food Bank and Sojourn Services.

MSA Gift Card Winner

My Secure Advantage (MSA) chose the winner of a $50 Amazon Gift Card from among the 75 employees who participated in MSA’s Virtual Financial Wellness Day on December 3. Congratulations to Anna Woo! All employees have access to MSA's services by logging on to MSA from any computer.

Meet the GRI’s Artist in Residence

As the Artist in Residence at the GRI, Los Angeles-based interdisciplinary artist Gala Porras-Kim will join a cohort of scholars for the next two years developing work around the theme of “The Fragment.” She hopes to conduct research in the special collections to understand how the fragments of objects are collected, catalogued, stored, displayed, and conserved, even as much about them is still unknown. Learn more on the Iris about Porras-Kim’s background and the projects she’s planning.


#GettyMuseumChallenge is a finalist for the 2021 PRWeek US Awards in two categories: Best Social Media and Best Viral. The award is the most prestigious in the communications field. Congratulations to Sarah Waldorf, who spearheaded the challenge!

Wilbur Cross Medal

Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the Graduate School Alumni Association honored Mary Miller with the Wilbur Cross Medal for her scholarship in the art of Mesoamerica and visionary leadership in art history and higher education. The Wilbur Cross Medal is the highest honor that Yale Graduate School bestows on its alumni.



Getty Underground Closing Events

Special events conclude for the GETTY UNDERGROUND 2020 VISION virtual staff exhibition.

  • “GU Performance: Fluent Motion Dance Class and Party”: Tuesday, December 15, 5 p.m. Learn some groovin’ dancehall steps and then bust a move in a fun freestyle dance party!
  • “GU Culinary Share: The Name Game (Holiday Edition)”: Thursday, December 17, 5 p.m. Applying the first and last letters of your name, birth month, and year using this chart, creatively prepare a holiday dish with the suggested ingredients and share your creation with colleagues.

View a calendar with this week’s jolly Zoom links.

Fitness Land Exercise Challenge

Getty partners Trustmark/HealthFitness and the Getty Fitness Center invite all eligible staff to join a winter fitness activity game. "Fitness Land" is a virtual board game where participants roll a die (real or virtual) to land on squares and complete winter-themed exercises in order to move along the board. Escape from the "Snow Storm" to make it to "Cardio Castle." Kids and the entire family can join in and stay active throughout the holiday season. You can play the game from Wednesday, December 16, through Friday, January 15, and it’s free. Contact to participate or learn more.



Bon Appétit: Holiday Traditions 2020

Holiday foods help us celebrate the season. Some dishes aren't just a tradition, they're a cultural touchstone and family specialty. See the seasonal favorites that inspire Getty’s culinary team in this video.

Bon Appétit: Tradiciones Navideñas 2020

La comida navideñas son elementos importantes para ayudarnos a celebrar la temporada. Algunos platos típicos no son solo una tradición, son una estándar cultural y especialidad familiar. Vea lo que inspira al equipo culinario de Getty con sus favoritos de esta temporada. Mira el video.

Getty Anniversaries This Week

15 Years

  • Teresa Soleau, Collection and Content Management System, Getty Digital

20 Years

  • Michael Rogers, Director of Facilities


Comings and Goings

See how the Getty community is changing—and welcome new co-workers.

See and search past Getty THIS WEEK newsletters on GO.

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